International interdisciplinary Seminar

Socio-technical aspects on circular and colaborative economy

University Rovira i Virgili

Tarragona, 16th March 2018

Directors: Prof. Sergio Nasarre-Aznar, Dr. Maria del Mar Alonso-Almeida, Dr. Estela Rivas-Nieto

Venue: Campus Catalunya, University Rovira i Virgili,

Av. Catalunya, 35 – 43002, Tarragona, Spain.

Website and registration: 

Office and further queries: Alba Madrid (

DRAFT VERSION 28-11-2017

9-10 h. Registration

10 h. Welcome and “Sharing and Caring” COST Action presentation

a) Prof. Dr. Josep A. Ferré, Rector of University Rovira i Virgili

b) Prof. Dr. Gabriela Avram, Chair of the Action

c) Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre-Aznar, Co-coordinator of the International Seminar

10:30 h. Keynote invited speaker (to be determined; Gabriela?)

11:15 h. Coffe-break

11:30 h. Parallel sessions 1

Workshop 1. Sharing tourism (Room X)

Workshop 2. Sharing mobility (Room Y)

Workshop 3. Co-working (Room Z)

Workshop 4. Crowdfunding (Room A)

Workshop 5. Collaborative housing and cities (Room B

Workshop 6. Blockchain (Room C)

13:30 h. Lunch

14:30 h. Parallel sessions 2

Workshop 1. Sharing tourism (Room X)

Workshop 2. Sharing mobility (Room Y)

Workshop 3. Co-working (Room Z)

Workshop 4. Crowdfunding (Room A)

Workshop 5. Collaborative housing and cities (Room B

Workshop 6. Blockchain (Room C)

16:30 h. Round table (professionals and academics) Gabriela?


18 h. Conclusions (Mar Alonso)

20 h. Optional dinner (max. 25 €).

– Palau del Baró??? Alba preguntar