International interdisciplinary Seminar

Socio-technical aspects of the circular and colaborative economy

University Rovira i Virgili

Tarragona, 16th March 2018

Directors: Prof. Sergio Nasarre-Aznar, Dr. Maria del Mar Alonso-Almeida, Dr. Estela Rivas-Nieto

Venue: Campus Catalunya, University Rovira i Virgili,

Av. Catalunya, 35 – 43002, Tarragona, Spain.

Website & registration:

Office and further queries: Mr. Jordi De Andrés (


The day before (Thursday 15th) will take place the meetings of WG1 and WG3 of the COST Action (only for COST members). 

Both attendants to the WG meeting and to the international Seminar of Friday 16th are invited (without any additional cost) to a walking guided tour through Roman city of Tarraco.

The tour will start at 18:30 of Thursday 15th and will begin at Portal del Roser of Tarragona. After that, an optional dinner of dinner of these meetings will take place at “El Galliner de l’Antiquari” Restaurant (cost 20€).


9-10 h. Registration

10 h. Welcome and “Sharing and Caring” COST Action presentation

Prof. Dr. Josep A. Ferré, Rector of University Rovira i Virgili

Prof. Dr. Gabriela Avram, Chair of the Action

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre-Aznar, Co-coordinator of the International Seminar

10:30 h. Invited Keynote speaker

Prof. Dr. Gabriela Avram, “Towards a Collaborative Future”

11:15 h. Coffe-break

11:30 h. Parallel sessions. Presentation of papers

Workshop 1. Sharing tourism (Room 408). Coordinator: Mrs. Núria Lambea (

Filippo Celata

Platform capitalism, digital mediations and the touristification of places

Karolina Mikolajewska-Zajac

A Vicious Circular Economy? The struggle over the regulation of short-term rentals in San Francisco

Jónsson, Örn D

I’m not a taxi driver, I’m a musician. Supra-national platforms and civil society – the case of Iceland

Mireia Artigot Golobardes

An evidence-based approach to regulation of peer-to-peer rentals: the case of Barcelona

Cristina Miguel and Brian Jones

Analysing the ethics of Airbnb business model: Between individual’s empowerment and negative impact in the cities

Workshop 2. Sharing tourism & mobility (Room 409). Coordinator: Mrs. Gemma Caballé ( and Emma López (

Silvana Canales Submission clauses in the platforms of collaborative economy relating to tourism in the European Union
Milenka Villca and JP. González Bustos Timeshare of holiday property in Spain: operation, characteristics and taxation systems
Sanna Venere Stefania, Cary Y. Hendrickson and Antonello Romano Digital short-term rental platforms: effects on the housing market and urban property values in Rome.
Esther Muñiz The origin of the sharing economy: from the agrarian and rural areas to the urban areas
Kostadin Mishev Probabilistic model for public transportation aided by the car-sharing component
Christoph Lutz and Gemma Newlands Transparency, Uncertainty, and Vulnerability in Ride-Hailing: Exploratory Results from Focus Groups across Europe
Francisco Pertíñez Vílchez The consideration of the intermediation services to connect drivers with passengers as an information society services or as a services in the field of transport
Bori Simonovits Trust and Discrimination in Collaborative Consumption: The Case of Ridesharing Platforms

Workshop 3. Co-working (Room 411). Coordinator: Dr. Eva Coll (

Sergio Nasarre-Aznar and Eva Coll Legal and economic externalities of using home as a working space
Giulia Priora Co-authorship in the Networked Peer-production: Copyright Law Measures Itself
Vera Diogo, Célia Ferreira, Paula Guerra Co-working spaces in Porto, Portugal: collaborative economy within capitalism reforms or anti-capitalist experiences?
Diana Moret Boosting entrepreneurial ecosystems via rural coworking and coliving
Sander Nysten, Sigrid Pauwels and Esther van Zimmeren Architecture 2.0 – Reevaluating the Belgian legal framework for architects in interdisciplinary collaborations

Workshop 4. Platforms and finance of collaborative economy (Room 421). Coodinator: Dr. Rosa Maria Garcia (

Greicy K Silva Service Provider’s Perspective on The Sharing Economy as Product Service System Platforms of trust
André Sekulla, Victoria Wenzelmann and Michael Bumann Possible use cases for the blockchain in the sharing economy
Valeria Ferreira and Eleni Papaoikonomou Financing in the era of collaborative economy and its impact on entrepreneurship.
Mihai Lisetchi Sharing economy and social economy. Looking for a common ground
Vida Cesnuityte Computer supported collaborative consumption: practices and trends in Lithuania
Heidi Coral Thornton A study of the financing decisions of firms within the sharing economy, with a focus on ‘value-added’
Anton Fedosov, Agon Bexheti and Marc Landgheinrich Sharing Physical Objects Using Smart Contracts

Workshop 5a. Collaborative housing and cities 1 (Room 508). Coordinator: Prof. Sergio Nasarre-Aznar (

Anton Fedosov, Leonid Ivonin and Marc Langheinrich Perceptions of sharing everyday purchases
Brano Glumac and Gemma Caballé Flexible housing
Sergio Nasarre-Aznar and Kosjenka Dumancic Collaborative economy: from Rome to the next Middle Ages?
Valerie Müller Housing corporations in Germany – an upcoming alternative to conventional tenancy contracts?
Violeta Baklacev From my home to our home. Towards the contemporary collaborative events
Luciana Pacucci Borgo Sostenibile-A collaborative community in Milan
Alexandros Papagoergiou Knowledge transfer processes around collaborative forms of housing

Workshop 5b. Collaborative housing and cities 2 (Room 509). Coordinator: Dr. Darinka Czischke (

Andrés Labella Cohousing alternative institutional
Outi Jolanki and Blanca Deusdad Senior collaborative housing anti-ageist
Kim O’Shea, Nora O Murchú and Gabriela Avram Learning from Denmark’s experience
Manja Kitek Kuzman, Eva Haviarova, Dick Sandberg Collaborative housing for the elderly
Wai Keung Chung, Christine Chan Ka Kei Co-living for what?
Sara Brysch Collaborative Housing and Existenzminimum: designing innovative collective housing
Darinka Czischke, Richard Lang, Claire Carriou Sharing and caring in collaborative housing: what does the literature tell us?

13:30 h. Lunch

14:30 h. Round table (professionals and academics)

Moderator: Dr. Christoph Lutz (Nordic Centre for Internet & Society)

Speakers: Albert Cañigueral (Ouishare connector BCN,, Lucía Hernández (Ouishare, Consultancy on Collaborative Tourism), Dr. Alberto Blanco Justicia (U. Rovira i Virgili, Computer Security and Reliability), Prof. Dr. Mª José Álvarez Gil (U. Carlos III Madrid).

16:30 h. Plenary session. Discussion about the presentations and outcomes of the precedent sessions. “What are the enables and barriers for the collaborative economy in the cases presented, and what are the possible solutions for challenges?”

17:30 h. Conclusions

20 h. Optional dinner at “Restaurant Racó de l’Abat” (traditional regional food) (cost 25 €).