Papers are welcome to be presented during the foreseen Parallel sessions in the Seminar. Each presenter should send an abstract of about 400 words by 31st January 2018 19th Februay 2018 (deadline extension) to the coordinator of the workshop she wants to submit the paper. Now the submission of abstracts is over.

E-mail addresses of each coordinator are:

Workshop 1. Sharing tourism (Room 408). Coordinator: Mrs. Núria Lambea (nuria.lambea@urv.cat )

Workshop 2. Sharing tourism & mobility (Room 409). Coordinator: Mrs. Gemma Caballé (gemma.caballe@urv.cat) and Emma López (emmaaurelia.lopez@urv.cat)

Workshop 3. Co-working (Room 411). Coordinator: Dr. Eva Coll (eva.coll@urv.cat)

Workshop 4. Platforms and finance of collaborative economy (Room 421). Coodinator:  Dr. Rosa Maria Garcia (rosamaria.garciat@urv.cat)

Workshop 5a. Collaborative housing and cities 1 (Room 508). Coordinator: Prof. Sergio Nasarre-Aznar (sergio.nasarre@urv.cat)

Workshop 5b. Collaborative housing and cities 2 (Room 509). Coordinator: Dr. Darinka Czischke (D.K.Czischke@tudelft.nl)

Papers related to collaborative consumption are welcome and should be sent to the workshop to which are most related (eg. collaborative consumption in the field of tourism to Workshop 1). If the abstract is related to none, please send the abstract to sergio.nasarre@urv.cat and the work will be properly accommodated.

After the acceptance of the abstract by the peer review committee, the presenter will be allocated a discussant. The presenter should then either:

a) send a draft of the position (short) paper (between 2,000 and 5,000 words)

b) or, alternatively, the slides (eg. Power point) of her presentation

to the workshop coordinator by 28th February 2018 to allow her allocated discussant to prepare the discussion properly. The paper presentation will approx. last for 10 mins, plus a discussion of 5 mins.


Authors of selected papers will be invited to produce extended versions of the papers (max. 5,000 words) for inclusion in the Seminar’s Proceedings. We have the first approval for the inclusion of the Proceedings in the EUSSET Digital Library, with DOI’s assignment.