
A continuació, trobeu els informes científics encarregats a la Càtedra UNESCO d’Habitatge o en els que han participat els/les seus/seves investigadors/es.


REPORT 1/2022

Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development, "Housing policies in the EU", Bonn, abril 2022.
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Report 1/2021

S. Nasarre-Aznar; M. Ftáčnik; N. Lambea-Llop & L. Rasnača. Concrete Actions for Social and Affordable Housing in the EU. FEPS, 2021.
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Report 1/2020

EU Commission. Study on switching of financial services and products. Final report. ICF. 11. 2020.
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Report 2/2020

G. Caballé, R.M. Garcia, N. Lambea, S. Nasarre, H. Simón. L'habitatge compartit a Barcelona i la seva adequació als estàndards internacionals. Sindicatura de Greuges de Barcelona, 2020.
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Report 1/2018

EU Commission. Energy efficiency upgrades in multi-owner residential buildings: Review of governance and legal issues in 7 EU Member States. EU Science Hub. 2018.
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Report 1/2016

P. Kenna et al. Pilot project - Promoting protection of the right to housing - Homelessness prevention in the context of evictions. EU Commission, 2016.
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Report 2/2016

P. Sparkes et al., “Cross Border Acquisitions of Residential Property in the EU: Problems Encountered by Citizens”, DG for Internal Policies, Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, European Parliament , PE 556.936, Publications Office.
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