Programme and info

About the buy cialis online COST Action «From sharing to caring»

The main objective of this action is to generic cialis develop a European network of actors focusing on the development of collaborative economy models and platforms and on social and technological tadalafil implications of the collaborative buy viagra online economy through a practice focused approach.

About the organizer: the UNESCO Chair of Housing and the University Rovira i Virgili

The UNESCO Housing Chair of the University Rovira i Virgili (Spain) is the single Housing Research Centre in Spain with an international and interdisciplinary heart attack approach. It is a division of the Public University Rovira i Virgili, which ranks 4th among all Spanish Universities and 83 in the world among universities under 50 years (Times Higher Education).

The creation of the Chair order cialis online was announced at the European Network for Housing Research 25th International Conference in June 2013, although some of its researchers have been dealing with housing research for the last 20 years. Five PhD candidates and seven senior researchers are currently working at the Chair, which main objectives are specialized research, teaching and transfer of knowledge in the field of housing.

Since June 2013, the Chair members active ingredient have published 36 hours 117 research works in 9 countries increased blood and have delivered 212 speeches in 26 more. The Chair has been also invited to draft five pieces of legislation for the Spanish and the Catalan governments, while has been a team member of 3 EU-funded projects (EU Parliament and EU Commission). In addition to this, the Chair is currently buy cialis working at six national-funded research projects and has successfully finished other four. Since 2017 it is taking increasing blood flow part in the “Sharing to Caring” COST Action on collaborative economy. The Housing Chair has the explicit support of 10 private and public partners. It runs two sildenafil citrate postgraduate courses on mediation and on real estate treat erectile dysfunction agents.

Researchers of the Chair are constantly prescription drugs present in the media to high blood pressure disseminate the results of erectile dysfunction drugs their research topics, which cover many fields side effects of housing, such as housing access, housing tenures, housing as a fundamental right, and management of social housing, real estate agents and tenancies.

Researchers and stakeholders can follow the Chair activities online pharmacies at its webpage ( and through its Newsletter (

With the collaboration of…