8th International Workshop

On February 5, Prof. Dr. Dr. Christoph U. Schmid gave the lecture “Alleviating Housing Shortage and Intensification through Rent Freeze and Rent Caps? The case of the City of Berlin ”, within the framework of the 8th International Workshop organized by the UNESCO Housing Chair of the URV.


International conference

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre has given the conference “New housing tenures: intermediate tenures, collaborative housing and functional tenancies”, at the Center for Urban Transitions of the Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus in Melbourne, Australia (12/02/2019)


European day of mediation

On January 23, Ms. Emma López gave a conference on Mediation at the Colegio de Administradores de Fincas of Tarragona.

Invited speakers in Bilbao

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre and Dr. Núria Lambea were invited as speakers to the commemorative event of the 20th anniversary of Alokabide and 30th anniversary of Visesa, on January 30th in Bilbao. They talked about “La encrucijada de la vivienda tras catorce años de crisis (The housing crossroads after fourteen years of crisis)” and “Un modelo de gestión de vivienda social en clave europea (A model of social housing management in a European key)” respectively in the commemorative event of the 20th anniversary of Alokabide and 30th anniversary of Visesa, on January 30th in Bilbao.





Seminar about “masoveria urbana”

Last Friday, January 24, Dr. Rosa M. Garcia Teruel participated in the seminar “Masoveria urbana”, organized by the association Amics i amigues de la Natura de les Masies and with the collaboration of the City Councils of Roda de Ter and les Masies.



Lecture at the LLM International & Comparative Business Law, National University of Ireland

Dr. Héctor Simón has delivered the lecture “Property in Civil Law and Common Law”, for the second consecutive year, at the LLM International & Comparative Business Law of the National University of Ireland, Galway. This Master has been considered as the Postgraduate Course of the Year in Law in Ireland in 2019. More information about the Master is available at: https://www.nuigalway.ie/courses/taught-postgraduate-courses/llm-international-comparative-business.html?fbclid=IwAR0WGmv0MaV6T3QM6aIqqVbr4WGEX9zQWOVeH0IgFqYBTnDxjEnYxf_O5Sg

Training session on commercial premises in condominiums

Dr. Héctor Simón provided a training session at the College of Property Administrators of Tarragona about the most common problems commercial premises face in condominiums, especially as regards flues, use of the facade for labels and limitations of the use of the property. The training session took place at the College’s headquarters on 12 December 2019 and brought together about fifty members.

Communication to international congress

Silvana Canales Gutiérrez, PhD in Law student and a member of the UNESCO housing chair, participated as a speaker in the Collaborative International Accommodation Congress held in Almería on November 21 and 22, organized by the University of Almería in collaboration with the University of the Balearic Islands. Her communication called “Protection of the guest as a consumer in the light of the Brussels I bis and Rome I Regulations”, indicated the consumer’s judicial alternatives against abusive clauses in the service contracts signed with platforms such as Airbnb, HomeaAway and Wimdu.

Lecture at the Conference on housing, environment and the elderly

Dr. Simón delivered the lecture “Housing financial products for the elderly” at the “Aging, housing and environment” conference, organized by the Housing Observatory of Barcelona. The conference took place at the Consorcio Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo Barcelona-Center Ernest Lluch on November 27, 2019. The lecture addressed the main financial products available for the elderly, such as the reverse mortgage, the home reversion or the assignment of the housing for rent purposes.



The prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre participated on November 25 at the “IV Jornades sobre Desigualtats socials” organized by the University of Lleida with the conference “Innovacions legals per a afavorir l’accés a l’habitatge en un context comparat: reforma del lloguer, tinences intermèdies i habitatge col·laboratiu”.
