
The following article has been published: Font-Pomarol, L., Piga, A., Nasarre-Aznar, S. et al. Language and the use of law are predictive of judge gender and seniority. EPJ Data Science. 13, 57 (2024)., which shows that the language and usage of law can help predict the gender and seniority of judges. It is the result of the doctoral thesis of Dr. Lluc Font-Pomarol on data science in court rulings.

Article available at:


Dr. Silvana Canales has published the book “Consumidores y plataformas de alojamiento turístico en Derecho internacional privado. Una visión crítica y práctica de la normativa de la Union Europea y de Latinoamérica”, which will form part of the collection “Derecho de la vivienda” of the publisher Tirant lo Blanch, which coordinates the UNESCO Housing Chair.

The books that are part of the collection can be consulted at:


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar has published the article “A possible future for the Civil Code of Catalonia. Special attention to the patrimonial aspects”, in the book “Veinte años del Código civil de Cataluña”, published by the Department of Justice of Catalonia. Four challenges are being developed: the progressive intrusion of public law into private relationships, technology, the greater complexity of civil law and th adaptation to social needs (housing, family, education).

The complete text can be downloaded at:

Journal Housing

The no. 19 of the biannual journal “Housing” of the Chair is already available. It may be downloaded at: 

Publication of an article about the European Housing Studies

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre has published the article “El European Housing Studies: la primera formación europea para profesionales inmobiliarios” in the collective work “”Innovación docente y renovación pedagógica en derecho Especial referencia a experiencias exitosas de proyectos de innovación docente y la utilización de herramientas y metodologías colaborativas“, coordinated by Carlos Soria Rodríguez (Dykinson, 2023).
The article can be downloaded free of charge at:

Review and update of the work “Principios de Derecho Civil”

Dr. Héctor Simón has collaborated again in the review and updating of the work “Principios de Derecho Civil” (Volume II: Law of Obligations) by Prof. Carlos Lasarte.

More information at:


The researcher Dr. Héctor Simón has published the article “The constitutional evolution of the social function of the property and the new regime of the right of ownership over dwellings in the law on the right to housing” in the journal Private Law and Constitution.

Newspaper Diari de Tarragona

Dr. Sergio Nasarre has published the article “Nos quieren expropiar nuestras casas” on Diari de Tarragona.



Abstract: We analyze a corpus of 100,000 judicial decisions in the Spanish judicial system, with a focus on the scope of housing. Using topic modeling and information theory, we are able to reveal disrupting topics and periods, and to interpret them in terms of the role played by legislative changes, landmark decisions, and the influence of social movements.

Book presentation “La gran apuesta”

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre presented his book “La gran apuesta” at the “Law and Literature” seminar held by the University of Bremen.

See book description at