Housing Solutions Platform

On June 12 the Alternative Forms of Land and Property Ownership webinare will be organized by the Housing Solutions Platform, where various alternatives for land tenure and housing will be discussed internationally.

Link: https://t.co/vPj8f5Ns1X.

Book Review “The times of the housing crisis”

Link: https://blog.registradores.org/-/los-anios-de-la-crisis-de-la-vivienda


Interview with Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre

Diari de Tarragona, 29/05/2020.


Rents will continue to become more expensive in the coming months due to the covid-19

Interview with Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre.




The UNESCO Housing Chair URV participates in the United Nations international report on affordable housing

Link: https://diaridigital.urv.cat/la-catedra-unesco-dhabitatge-de-la-urv-participa-en-linforme-internacional-de-nacions-unides-sobre-habitatge-assequible/?_ga=2.265085711.1482855816.1590485427-1820319851.1590485427

Diari de Tarragona

Los hunos y los otros

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar, 24/05/2020



An interesting cross-country comparative about legal measures related to #housing taken as a reaction to COVID-19 today at Inside Housing.

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar

Link: https://t.co/kRadaxgBYi


The Chair debates issues related to housing in the time of COVID-19

Link: http://diaridigital.urv.cat/la-catedra-unesco-dhabitatge-de-la-urv-organitza-un-cicle-de-xerrades-en-linia-sobre-habitatge-i-covid-19/

Aleph Jurídico of Acento.com.do Magazine

Our postdoctoral researcher Dr. Maridalia Rodríguez Padilla has shared a short reflection in the opinion column Aleph Jurídico of Acento.com.do Magazine about the need to take action on housing, urban leases and mortgage loans in the Dominican Republic due to its current state of emergency due to COVID-19. It highlights that, in more than twenty countries, European and Latin American, measures have been issued in this regard, but that in the Dominican case these measures are still pending.
