Diari de Tarragona
Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno speaks to the Diari de Tarragona about “Los compradores de viviendas se echan atrás”, 11/10/2020.
Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno speaks to the Diari de Tarragona about “Los compradores de viviendas se echan atrás”, 11/10/2020.
Dr. Gemma Caballé Fabra speaks for the Ampolla City Council. 02/10/2020
Dr. Héctor Simón has published the chapter entitled “La contratación de productos accesorios y servicios accesorios al préstamo inmobiliario. Los contratos asociados a la hipoteca” (Tied products and services to the mortgage loan. The contracts related to the mortgage”) in the book “Real estate loan contracts”, coordinated by Klaus Jochen Albiez Dohrmann and María Luisa Moreno-Torres Herrera. The book focuses on the contractual aspects of the new Spanish Law 5/2019, regulating real estate credit contracts, and pays special attention to its scope of application.
The Chair has been chosen to lead the Housing + project of the European Commission. Under the title “Bridging the gap in housing studies”, the objective of this project financed by the Erasmus + program is to improve academic training in the real estate sector among professionals, those responsible for housing policy and postgraduate students through transnational training materials.
Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre will participate in the Workshop ” La tenencia de la vivienda en tiempos de pandemia: alquiler, propiedad compartida y vivienda colaborativa”, organized by the Observatorio del Derecho a la Ciudad de Argentina. It will take place next Wednesday, October 7 at 8:00 p.m. from Spain.
Free registration https://forms.gle/BJNoA85YNptd7zy29
It can be followed by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82527319893 and by Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/c/ObservatoriodelDerechoalaCiudad?fbclid=IwAR3bfZpMPqlZFSudELUH__prKQd4M_5HmhBtmrIIf8YwFPWOa9UAA5cnoxM
Dr Kurt Xerri has delivered a keynote speech in the online workshop “Towards Sustainable Homes and Neighbourhoods in the Mediterranean Region: Reflecting on Malta’s potential” organized by the Ministry for Social Accommodation Malta in cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
Dr. Héctor Simón has spoken about squatters for TV Reus. 09/28/2020
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHUd53sxiA4&feature=youtu.be
Call for papers: kick-off webinar of the group “Housing and New Technologies” – European Network for Housing Research
The kick-off webinar of the working group “Housing and New Technologies of the European Network for Housing Research will take place on 20th January 2021. This virtual seminar, coordinated by Prof. Michel Vols (University of Groningen) and by Dr. Rosa M. Garcia-Teruel (UNESCO Housing Chair, URV), will cover the following topics related to housing and new technologies: real estate crowdfunding, blockchain, big data, data protection and smart homes, IoT, AI and ML techniques, 3d printing, etc. Those researchers interested in presenting their papers may submit an abstract before the 20th November by sending an email to rosamaria.garciat@urv.cat.
The provisional programme and more information may be found at the following link: https://housing.urv.cat/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/CfP-Housing-New-Tech.pdf
The 8th Edition of the Advanced course for real estate agents and property management, promoted by the UNESCO Housing Chair and the College of Real Estate Agents of Tarragona.
Link: https://housing.urv.cat/es/portada/docencia/posgrado-agente-inmobiliario/
The Chair offers a pre-doctoral scholarship within the framework of the Martí i Franquès Research Grant Program. The research line is The tangibility of the right to housing.
All the information about is at: https://www.urv.cat/en/research/support/programmes/urv/programa-marti-franques/pipf/2020-general-grants/
And the information about the scholarship of the Chair is at: https://www.sgr.urv.cat/cgi-bin/programes/application/detall.cgi?conv=2020PMF-PIPF-&ordre=44&idioma=ENG
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Avda. Catalunya, 35
43002 Tarragona
Telf. +34 977558724