Pilot projects

On November 30, 2021 the researchers of the UNESCO Housing Chair Dr. Núria Lambea and Dr. Maridalia Rodríguez concluded the presentations of the “Certificado de Buena Gestión de Vivienda Social (CVS)” [Certificate of Good Social Housing Management (CVS)] to the institutions that support the project: Ayuntamiento de Reus, Servicio Municipal de la Vivienda y Actuaciones Urbanas S.A. (SMHAUSA) and Fundación Hàbitat3.


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar speaks for El País about the rents for the weakest in the city center. Link: https://elpais.com/economia/2021-12-06/los-ricos-desalojan-a-los-pobres.html

Monitoring committiee

On December 3, the 8th Monitoring Committee of the Housing Chair was held with all its partners and advisers.

Conference on the Future of Europe

Dr. Núria Lambea will participate, on 9 December, in the Housing Event (Webinar) organised by the National University of Ireland Galway, in collaboration with the European Movement and The Housing Agency, in the framework of the Conference on the Future of Europe. The Event will address the current and future role of the EU in guaranteeing the right of European citizens to decent, adequate and affordable housing. Precisely, presenters will address three questions: 1.What is the EU doing well in the area? 2. What does the EU need to do to improve in the area? 3.What their ideal Europe would look like in the next 10-20 years?

Registration (free):


Full Description of the event available at:





The video of the Forum “Housing and young people: Is ownership possible? organized by the Fundación del Notariado.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtQ7elORThQ&feature=youtu.be





Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno was invited as keynote speaker to make a presentation at the “I Congress on Innovation and Sustainability in Social Housing (ISViS 2021)”, organized by the Andalusian Housing and Rehabilitation Agency. The Congress was held in the Higher Technical School of Building Engineering of the University of Granada on 11 November. Dr. Simón’s presentation was about the universal accessibility of housing in Spain, Sweden and Germany.

Link: https://congresoisvis.com



Dr. Gemma Caballé Fabra speaks to La Vanguardia about formulas to buy a house with little savings.




VIII Real Estate Conference of Andalusia

On Friday, November 12, Dr. Gemma Caballé participated in the VIII Real Estate Conference of Andalusia held in Almería and organized by the Andalusian Council of Real Estate Agents to talk about the real estate brokerage profession and the general interest.


On November 25, our colleague Andrés Labella Iglesias will present a communication under the title “Multi-unit building as an instrument for capacity support” within the framework of presentations at the III National Congress on Disability Law held in Granada between the 24th and November 26, you can follow its evolution on the twitter account: @CongresoDiscap


Link of the congrès: https://tercercongreso.fderechoydiscapacidad.es




Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar speaks for the Economist about why young people cannot be emancipated before the age of 30.
