Workshop MUDEC

Dr. Philippa Hughes, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Liverpool, who is doing a research stay at the Chair, participated on Wednesday, 29 May 2024, in the Seminar on the subject “Real Estate Contracting” of the Master’s Degree in Business and Contracting Law (MUDEC) of the Rovira i Virgili University, with the presentation “Collaborative and community-led housing; drivers governance, and challenges”.

More information about the Master at:

Journal Housing

The no. 19 of the biannual journal “Housing” of the Chair is already available. It may be downloaded at: 

Conference on Property Managers

Dr. Gemma Caballé participates in the “III Jornadas Gallegas Jacinto Peleteiro Otero”, organized by the College of Property Managers of Galicia, which will take place the 22nd and 23th February 2024.

More information at:

Local Housing Plan of Salomó

The UNESCO Chair in Housing has been awarded the contract for the drafting of the Municipal Housing Action Plan of Salomó City Council (Tarragona).

Publication of an article about the European Housing Studies

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre has published the article “El European Housing Studies: la primera formación europea para profesionales inmobiliarios” in the collective work “”Innovación docente y renovación pedagógica en derecho Especial referencia a experiencias exitosas de proyectos de innovación docente y la utilización de herramientas y metodologías colaborativas“, coordinated by Carlos Soria Rodríguez (Dykinson, 2023).
The article can be downloaded free of charge at:

New predoctoral researcher

The UNESCO Housing Chair has a new predoctoral researcher, Ms. Ashjan Alsane, Master in Law (LLM) from the University of Mutah in Jordan, who is doing her doctoral research in civil law under the supervision of Prof. Sergio Nasarre-Aznar.

More information at:



Abstract: We analyze a corpus of 100,000 judicial decisions in the Spanish judicial system, with a focus on the scope of housing. Using topic modeling and information theory, we are able to reveal disrupting topics and periods, and to interpret them in terms of the role played by legislative changes, landmark decisions, and the influence of social movements.

CEJFE Project on urban leases in the Catalan Civil Code

Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada (CEJFE) is funding a project on the analysis of the draft bill introducing urban leases into the sixth book of the Civil Code of Catalonia.

On the one hand, a systematic, comparative and interdisciplinary analysis is undertaken of the civil elements that are relevant for the lessor and the lessee, and, on the other hand, the imbrication of the Draft Bill in the Catalan and national legal system is studied.

Link to the project:

Tenement law webinar

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre has participated as speaker in a webinar organized by the Scottish Law Commission, talking about the legal framework of defaulters in condominiums in Spain.



The predoctoral researcher Andrés Labella Iglesias has published an article titled “La propiedad horizontal como instrumento para los apoyos al ejercicio de la capacidad” in the journal Anales Especial 2022.