AAT Tourism Conference

Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno participated in the “11th AAT Tourism Conference,” organized by the Association of Tourist Apartments of the Costa Daurada and Terres de l’Ebre (AAT). The event took place in the Harvard Room of the PortAventura Convention Centre on Tuesday, 25 March 2025.

A review can be found at: https://feht-turisme.org/es/las-xi-jornadas-de-turismo-de-la-aat-analizan-el-impacto-de-las-vuts-en-la-vivienda-y-los-retos-de-la-nueva-regulacion/

1st Ibero-American Meeting of UNESCO Chairs

Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno participated in the 1st Ibero-American Meeting of UNESCO Chairs, networks and research groups for the construction of the Red Unitwin project: Conocimiento en Marcha, organized by the UNESCO Chair in Vulnerability and Social Inclusion and the Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones de Universitat Autònoma de México. The event took place from March 5-7, 2025.

More information at: https://catedraunesco.uaemex.mx/actividades-acad%C3%A9micas/unitwin-project.html

Project MyRobot

A research project promoted by researchers at the URV and coordinated by Dr. Blanca Deusdad makes a robot seal available to elderly people to improve their quality of life and that of their environment. The first day of fieldwork should allow researchers to relate the residents’ reaction when they come into contact with the robot with the preconceived ideas they have about these devices for companionship and personal assistance.

More information at: https://diaridigital.urv.cat/nuka-arriba-residencies/



Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar has published the report “The challenges of housing in Europe. Special attention to the evolution of the situation in Spain”, Popular Parliamentary Group in the European Parliament, 2025.

The report is available at: https://sergionasarre.eu/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/snasarre-challenges-of-housing-in-europe-2025.pdf



Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar participates in the report “The housing crisis in Spain goes through Vienna: definitive solution or a dangerous example?” of the newspaper El Economista (24-2-2025).

News available at: https://www.eleconomista.es/vivienda-inmobiliario/noticias/13235363/02/25/la-crisis-de-la-vivienda-de-espana-pasa-por-viena-solucion-definitiva-o-un-ejemplo-peligroso.html


Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno has published the book chapter “Rights «in rem» in Europe: A comparative perspective”, in M. Font i Mas (dir.), Private International Law on Rights in rem in the European Union. Derecho internacional privado sobre derechos reales en la Unión Europea, Marcial Pons (2024)

The article can be downloaded at: https://housing.urv.cat/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/H.-Simon-property-rights.pdf


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar participates in the report “The massive conversion of industrial land into residential housing hides an unwanted effect that no one saw coming” in the newspaper El Economista (18-2-2025).

News available at: https://www.eleconomista.es/vivienda-inmobiliario/noticias/13224920/02/25/la-conversion-masiva-de-suelo-industrial-en-vivienda-residencial-oculta-un-efecto-indesiado-que-nadie-vio-venir.html


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar and Dr. Maria Paula Rodríguez de Liévano have published the article “Horizontal property vs housing cooperatives in transfer of use: the success of a modern classic as inspiration for new ways of organizing life in common” (Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario, no. 806/2024).

This work analyzes the keys to the success of the Spanish condominium regime for organizing multi-family housing, in comparison with the modest presence of housing cooperatives in transfer of use, despite the insistence on its popularization through some initiatives provided with public resources.

More information at: https://www.revistacritica.es/rcdi/article/view/10496



Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona interviewed Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno on Tuesday, 4 February 2025, regarding Sustainable Development Goal 11 and the need for affordable and sustainable housing.

The interview can be viewed at: https://rctgn.cat/podcast/programes/carrer-major-tarragona/ods-tarragona/ods-habitatge-assequible-accessible-i-sostenible/


Dr. Gemma Caballé participated in the Round Table on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) on Thursday, 23 January 2025. The Mediation Center of the Council of Property Managers¡ Associations of Catalonia (CEMCAF) organized at the headquarters of the Property Managers’ Association of Tarragona, a Round Table on the role of Property Managers in alternative dispute resolution (ADR), in which Dr. Gemma Caballé participated, together with Ms. Isabel Morales Quílez, Lawyer President of the ICAT mediation commission, Ms. Emma López Sole, Lawyer and consultant of CEMCAF and with the collaboration of Ms. Ana Bozalongo, Legal Advisor of the Estate Administrators’ Association of Tarragona.