Publication of an article about the effects of the crisis on condominiums

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre and Dr. Héctor Simón have published the article “The effects of ten years of crisis in condominiums” in the Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario (No. 778, 2020), which deals with the effects of ten years of economic crisis in condominiums through the data collected from 1,202 surveys conducted in Spain to units’ owners residing there. The results show that ten years of economic crisis have affected the maintenance of condominiums, with a special incidence in the increase of the delinquency, at the time that has favored the origination of problems of cohabitation. A series of recommendations are formulated to improve the management, administration and finance of condominiums, as well as about the way to face the problems and the conflicts among residents, the actions in the field of universal accessibility and energy efficiency and the regime of housing tenures.
The article may be downloaded from the “Working papers” section:

Fundación Mutua de Propietarios

The Chair partner, the Fundación Mutua de Propietarios, has opened calls for grants from the No Barriers Program so that the communities of owners can carry out their accessibility works.


The video of the online conference is now available “The right to housing in the new reality” organized by the Barcelona Bar Association.


Accessibility study

The Chair and the Fundación Mutua de Propietarios have carried out a study on the accessibility of buildings.


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre participates in the webinar “The impact on housing of COVID-19. Policies and Responses in Ireland and Spain” organized by Prof. Elena Bargelli of the University of Pisa on July 1.

It can be accessed through Teams following this link:

Super Neighbours

Mutua de Propietarios and its Mutua de Propietarios Foundation are launching the “Super Neighbours” Project to reward those initiatives that are helping to make life easier for people with reduced mobility, during the current health crisis.
More information at:
In this context, Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre is a member of the Advisory Board of the Mutua de Propietarios Foundation and he is currently supervising a doctoral thesis on intra-neighbourhood solidarity.


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre participated on June 12 in the Alternative Forms of Land and Property Ownership webinar organized by the Housing Solutions Platform with the theme “Shared and Temporary Ownership in Catalonia”.

Reus Municipal Housing Council

The UNESCO Housing Chair URV participates in the Municipal Housing Council of the Reus City Council, the body for citizen participation that aims to debate municipal housing policies.



The video of the virtual presentation of the book is now available “The times of the housing crisis”.



Will cities be safe in the post-COVID era?

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre, 18-06-2020.
