The Chair in 5 minutes.


The UNESCO Housing Chair of Rovira i Virgili University was created by the University’s Governing Council on the 11th of July 2013. It is the result of the research and projects on housing that the legal area had been working on since 1996 and which were backed by the Research Group on Access to Housing. The Chair’s objective is to establish a stable platform for research, teaching and the transfer of knowledge on housing from an inter-disciplinary and international point of view. It is the first UNESCO Housing Chair in the world. More information…


The UNESCO Housing Chair of University Rovira i Virgili University has a team of senior and junior researchers working on several different lines of research and various different projects, who teach various undergraduate and postgraduate courses at both a national and international level. It has an advisory council and a committee that monitors developments with the chair’s partners. More information…

Lines of research

The Chair’s lines of research take in any aspects relating to housing from an inter-disciplinary and international point of view. The four pillars of our research are: housing as a human right, access to housing, housing management and organisation and housing as an asset. These lines of research are funded through projects at both a national and international level. More information…


The Journal (former Newsletter) “Housing” shows the results of the research projects undertaken by the UNESCO Housing Chair URV as well as its activities. It also includes contributions of experts in the field of housing.

Download the Journal


The Chair’s activities can be found here.


Appearance before the European Parliament

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar appeared before the Barcelona…

AAT Tourism Conference

Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno participated in the "11th AAT Tourism…


Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno publishes the article "From property…


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar is interviewed on the program…