
TENLAW 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission

The chair’s researchers are the Spanish partners for this project, which is the first to study urban leases in different parts of the European Union. The aim of the TENLAW project is to provide the first Europe-wide comparison of lease rights. The first stage of the project analyses the legislation in place in different member States and their effect on domestic policy and housing markets. The second stage studies the effect of EU legislation on national housing policy in general and on lease legislation in particular. The aim in the third phase of the project is to propose a way to bring about greater coordination in the European Union as regards housing policy, especially through the elaboration of common principles with optimum regulation of leasing rights. This research is adapted to the priorities of the Stockholm Programme, given the relationship between leasing rights and social human rights.


The TENLAW Project is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Christoph Schmid, of the University of Bremen. The other partners in the project are the following Universities: the University of Pisa (Italy); the Technical University of Delft (Holland); the University of Tartu (Estonia); Rovira i Virgili University (Spain); the University of Lund (Sweden); the University of Silesia (Poland); the International School of Social and Business Studies (Slovenia); Southampton University (United Kingdom) and the Metropolitan Research Institute (Hungary). The number of states involved in the study and analysed as part of the same is 31.

Follow up

a) Renting a property in Spain
Do you want to know your rights as a tenant in Spain? Have a look at this.

b) Tenancies statistics in Catalonia

Statistics   Rental market map viewer

More information

All of the information on the project is available here.