Member of a doctoral thesis tribunal

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar has been a member of the of a doctoral thesis tribunal on property and tourist housing. The thesis was defended on Monday 4 December at the University of the Balearic Islands.

Doctoral Thesis Defense

On February 17, 2023, the researcher from the Chair María Paula Rodríguez Liévano defended her doctoral thesis “Human Rights in Collaborative Housing” and obtained the highest rating from the committee.

Doctoral Thesis Defense

On September 30, 2022, Silvana Canales Gutiérrez, researcher of the UNESCO Housing Chair, defended her doctoral thesis entitled “The guest-consumer as an international subject of protection against online platforms of tourist accommodation”, and obtained the highest qualification and Cum Laude recognition from the thesis examination committee.


Ms. Silvana Canales Gutiérrez has published the article “Perspectivas comparadas de competencia judicial internacional en la UE y México en las controversias entre el huésped-consumidor y la plataforma digital de alojamiento turístico” in the Revista mexicana de Derecho Internacional, Privado y comparado (No. 47). Link:

Diari de Tarragona

Ms. Maria Paula Rodríguez Liévana writes for the Diari de Tarragona about “Ease of discrimination in cohousing communities”.

Canal Reus TV

Mr. Pablo Ruiz talks for Canal Reus Tv about the legal situation of intelligent robots.


Ms. Silvana Canales writes for Diari de Tarragona about neighbors vs. tourist apartments.

Competition Do you want to know what I research?”

Mr. Pablo Ruiz Osuna will participate next Wednesday, March 30 at 11 am in the final of the URV Competition “Do you want to know what I research? He has been selected among 30 candidates to reach this final, in which 6 predoctoral students will participate explaining their doctoral thesis in the Bartrina Theater of Reus.




Diari de Tarragona

Sr. Pablo Ruiz Osuna, ¿ Rights for robots?



Pablo Ruiz Osuna participates on December 16 in the II International Congress of Philosophy of Law, organized by the Complutense University of Madrid and the Autonomous University of Chile, with the presentation “Rights for robots? ? The robot as a new legal category in civil law ”.
