Agenda of the Housing Chair September-October

The Agenda of the UNESCO Housing Chair for the months of September-October is now available.

It can be downloaded at:


Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno has published an article on the Sixth Book of the Civil Code of Catalonia and its impact on real estate contracts in the latest issue of the Civil Law Review. 

The article can be downloaded at 


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar has published the article “Llueve sobre mojado: el problema del acceso a la vivienda en un contexto de pandemia (It Never Rains but It Pours: The Problem of Access to Housing in a Pandemic Context)” in Derecho privado y Constitución, no. 37. 



The book “The Acquisition of Immovables through Long-Term Use” has been published, which analyzes the regulation of acquisitive prescription and adverse possession in various European countries within the framework of the Common Core of European Private Law project. In one of its chapters, Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno together with Dr. Miriam Anderson of the University of Barcelona, analyze different cases from the perspective of the Spanish Civil Code and the Civil Code of Catalonia.  

 More information available at: 

Book Release

Tomorrow, August 3, the book by Ms. Silvana Canales Gutiérrez “Bitcoin, the decentralized voluntary currency as a functional equivalent of the Colombian peso” will be presented, which was published in Colombia last May. The presentation is at 5:00 p.m. on the zoom platform:, Meeting ID: 856 9818 4023 and access code:: 434007.

Information about the book:


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar has published Tort Law in Spain where he discusses the whole system of Spanish law related to torts, including new developments on animals and AI and the latest jurisprudence



Dr. Maridalia Rodríguez Padilla has published the article “El fideicomiso inmobiliario en la legislación dominicana: su aporte al desarrollo de la vivienda” (The real estate trust in dominican legislation: its contribution to housing development) in the journal Novum Jus, Vol. 16, No. 1 (2022), pp. 115-156.Link:

Book Release

On Tuesday, July 12 at 7:00 p.m., the book “Housing policies at the local level” will be presented at the Palau Bofarull in Reus, which has been published in the “Housing Law” collection by the Tirant lo Blanch publishing house.

Those interested in attending can confirm it at

Link notice:


The prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar and Dr. Rosa Maria Garcia Teruel have published the study according to “La política de vivienda en España desde 2008 ha sido “errática” (Housing policy in Spain since 2008 has been “erratic”).

Link of the news:

The article is available at the following link:



Ms. Silvana Canales Gutiérrez has published the article “Perspectivas comparadas de competencia judicial internacional en la UE y México en las controversias entre el huésped-consumidor y la plataforma digital de alojamiento turístico” in the Revista mexicana de Derecho Internacional, Privado y comparado (No. 47). Link: