
Dr. Pablo Ruiz Osuna has published the monograph “The legal personality of intelligent automata” in the Aranzadi publishing house, the result of his doctoral thesis. The work deals with what is possibly the great invention of this century: intelligent automata. The research seeks to determine their legal nature (what are they?) and proposes a basic private legal regime for them, as new citizens and agents in legal-economic traffic.

More information at:


Dr. Philippa Hugues, who is a research fellow at the UNESCO Chair in Housing thanks to a Marie Curie fellowship, has published the article “Regional intermediary actors and professionalism in community-led housing: implications of the enabler hub network in England” in the prestigious journal “Housing Studies”.

More information at:

Lectures on housing and legal terminology in English

Dr. Phillippa Hugues, postdoctoral researcher and Marie Curie fellow, and Ms. Ashjan Alsane, who is developing her thesis at the Chair on artificial intelligence, have delivered two open sessions in the context of the Comparative Law subject of the Law Degree: the first, on the situation of housing in the UK and Spain and, the second, on legal terminology in English. The sessions took place on 19 November 2024.


Dr. Joan Andreu Ferrer Guardiola has published the book “El régimen de la vivienda de uso turístico como manifestación de la Nueva Propiedad”, which will be part of the collection “Derecho de la vivienda” by the Tirant lo Blanch publisher, which coordinates the UNESCO Chair in Housing.

The books that are part of the collection can be consulted at:


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar and Dr. Gemma Caballé Fabra participated in the book “Derecho a la vivienda en tiempos de incertidumbre”, directed by Loreto Carmen Mate Satué, Esther Hernández Sainz and María Teresa Alonso Pérez (Aranzadi, 2024).

More information at:

The outcome of the CEJFE Project on urban leases in the Catalan Civil Code already available

Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada (CEJFE) funded a project on the analysis of the draft bill introducing urban leases into the sixth book of the Civil Code of Catalonia.

The outcome is available here:


Dr. Silvana Canales has published the book “Consumidores y plataformas de alojamiento turístico en Derecho internacional privado. Una visión crítica y práctica de la normativa de la Union Europea y de Latinoamérica”, which will form part of the collection “Derecho de la vivienda” of the publisher Tirant lo Blanch, which coordinates the UNESCO Housing Chair.

The books that are part of the collection can be consulted at:


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar has published the article “A possible future for the Civil Code of Catalonia. Special attention to the patrimonial aspects”, in the book “Veinte años del Código civil de Cataluña”, published by the Department of Justice of Catalonia. Four challenges are being developed: the progressive intrusion of public law into private relationships, technology, the greater complexity of civil law and th adaptation to social needs (housing, family, education).

The complete text can be downloaded at:

Publication of an article about the European Housing Studies

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre has published the article “El European Housing Studies: la primera formación europea para profesionales inmobiliarios” in the collective work “”Innovación docente y renovación pedagógica en derecho Especial referencia a experiencias exitosas de proyectos de innovación docente y la utilización de herramientas y metodologías colaborativas“, coordinated by Carlos Soria Rodríguez (Dykinson, 2023).
The article can be downloaded free of charge at:

The EHS official book has been released

The EHS official book has been released. European Housing Studies is a unique book of its kind. It is the result of the work undertaken by 31 multidisciplinary housing experts from 11 European countries over three years. Each contributor has provided expert and condensed information and commentary on a variety of topics in structured chapters that range from the theory of housing studies and the right to housing to the development, access and loss of housing. It also contains sections devoted to housing as a market, housing professionals, housing and technology and the interactions between housing, city, territory and environment.

The book has been designed to be used as both a stand-alone handbook for those interested in a single volume containing all the current key topics related to housing, and as a coursebook linked to the online European Housing Studies course (, which has been designed by the Housing+ consortium and co-funded by the European Union.

See the table of contents of the book and of the EHS here.