
Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre participated as speaker in the conference “A distributist solution to the housing problem” at the CEU San Pablo University.


Conference “The Promotion of Mediation in the Housing Sphere”

Dr. Núria Lambea attended the Conference “The Promotion of Mediation in the Housing Sphere” organized by the Housing Agency of Catalonia of the Department of Territory of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

Conference on Squatting

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre participated as a speaker at the Conference on Squatting organized by the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB).

Professional Real Estate Law course in Palma

Last Thursday, on January 19th, Dr. Gemma Caballé delivered the course “Professional Real Estate Law” (DPI) in Palma.

Canal Reus Tv

Dra. Gemma Caballé talked about how the Royal Decree 472/2021 would affect real estate professionals on Canal Reus Tv.

Agenda of the Housing Chair

The Agenda of the Housing Chair for January and February of 2023 is published.

Book presentation “La gran apuesta”

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre presented his book “La gran apuesta” at the “Law and Literature” seminar held by the University of Bremen.

See book description at