
On October 25 at 6:00 p.m. the virtual seminar “Housing and Mediterranean city: coast, climate justice and cultural legacy” will be held, within the framework of the Urban October 2021 activities organized annually by the United Nations. This time the event focuses on the climate crisis, under the slogan “Better city, better life.” For more information: https://housing.urv.cat/en/webinar-vivienda-y-ciudad-mediterranea-costa-justicia-climatica-y-legado-cultural/





Prof. Dr Sergio Nasarre Aznar speaks for the digital newspaper “el Món” about the future housing law: https://elmon.cat/politica/llei-lloguer-psoe-podem-defectes-314312/


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar speaks to El Pais about whether the regulation of houses for rent will increase inequalities in the real estate market.




Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar speaks for Catalunya radio about whether it is a good idea to give 250 euros a month to young people to pay the rent? https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/alacarta/catalunya-nit/es-bona-idea-donar-250-euros-al-mes-als-joves-per-pagar-el-lloguer/audio/1111901/


Dr. Rosa Maria Garcia Teruel talks to Pisos.com about living for rent for a lifetime: https://www.pisos.com/aldia/vivir-de-alquiler-toda-la-vida-que-consecuencias-podria-tener-en-el-mercado-inmobiliario-y-en-la-sociedad/1652752/


Dr. Ángeles Galiana Saura has made a book review by Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar “La gran apuesta. Avaricia. El beneficio sin responsabilidad” (The Big Short Greed. The profit without liability) in Cuadernos electrónicos de Filosofía del Derecho, no. 44, june 2021.

Accessible in: https://ojs.uv.es/index.php/CEFD/article/view/20991


Reus TV Channel

Dr. Núria Lambea Llop speaks for Reus TV Channel about access to affordable housing.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fiv_xrgS2Uo


Presentation of the book

On September 30, the book ” La gran apuesta ” by Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre will be presented in a hybrid format at the Francisco Vitoria University by its rector, Dr. Sada and F. Flores, director of the Human Rights Institute from the University of Valencia. The booktrailer is on: https://youtu.be/fCq5AqWmLd0

The presentation is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMNxGMXOmdw


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre talks about housing and young people from minute 32.




Dra. Núria Lambea Llop speaks for Tac 12 about rents. 
