
Dr. Héctor Simón attended the “Meet Ambassadors” on 28 October on behalf of the UNESCO Housing Chair. The Ambassadors Programme, promoted by the Catalonia Convention Bureau, aims to support Ambassadors and their organisations to create new business opportunities and raise awareness about the region.


On November 25, our colleague Andrés Labella Iglesias will present a communication under the title “Multi-unit building as an instrument for capacity support” within the framework of presentations at the III National Congress on Disability Law held in Granada between the 24th and November 26, you can follow its evolution on the twitter account: @CongresoDiscap

Link of the congrès:




Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar speaks for the Economist about why young people cannot be emancipated before the age of 30.



On November 25, 2021, Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar and Dr. Juan Luís Gonzalo Iglesia participate in the International Congress on Law and Gamification (on lline) organized by the Universidad de Almería and Ludoteca Jurídica, with the presentation entitled “El Umbral: Un juego de rol sobre vivienda y sinhogarismo”

All the information is in:


Canal Reus TV

Dr. Maridalia Rodríguez Padilla talks about the savings program for the purchase of a home.



Diari de Tarragona

Sr. Andrés Labella Iglesias. El derecho a la vivienda de las personas con discapacidad.

The UNESCO Housing Chair takes part in the Point-in-Time Count of roofless people in Tarragona 2021

Dr. Núria Lambea and Dr. Gemma Caballé participated in the Point-in-Time Count of roofless people in Tarragona, which took place the night of the 9th to the 10th of November 2021, organized by the Network for Homeless people in Tarragona (the UNESCO Housing Chair is part of this Network). 127 volunteers took part in it, and a total of 77 people were located, 58 sleeping on the streets and 19 in shelters for homeless people, a slight decrease compared to the 2019 count (70 people sleeping on the street and 14 more sleeping in shelters, a total of 84 homeless people).


The Chair organizes the 22nd Interdisciplinary Workshop: “Towards the smart city: technological, sustainable and inclusive”, this Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 12:00h in person.

The seminar will be led by Dr. Isabel de la Iglesia, Professor of the Faculty of Law at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), and aims to analyze the growing technological innovation, the problems that arise after the imbalance produced in the environment, and the increasing social differentiation of all kinds makes us move towards a new model: the smart city, where sustainable development is one of the main objectives, and all for reasons of social justice.

To confirm attendance, please contact:

Book Release

The Chair, in collaboration with the Dominican Judicial Observatory (OJD), organizes on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. the act of presentation of the book entitled “The real estate trust and foreign investment as instruments to mitigate the housing deficit” work of Dra. Maridalia Rodríguez Padilla, which is part of the collection of books “Housing Law” of the Tirant lo Blanch publishing house.

The presentation will be given by Dr. Luis Gonzalo Baena, a professor at the Externado de Colombia University, and Mr. Aquiles Calderón, a lawyer specialized in fiduciary administration.

The event will be streamed live from Funglode’s YouTube channel: Link

The information of the book is in:

The video of the presentation is in:



Dr. Blanca Deusdad Ayala has obtained the Social Impact Award from the Consell Social of the URV for her research project Socatel.