Webinar on Housing and New Technologies

The kick-off webinar of the working group “Housing and New Technologies” of the European Network for Housing Research will take place on 20th January at 4pm. More than 12 international researchers will present their findings on new technologies applied to housing, such as real estate crowdfunding, blockchain, big data, data protection and smart homes, IoT, etc. This is the first virtual seminar of this Working Group, coordinated by Prof. Michel Vols (University of Groningen) and by Dr. Rosa M. Garcia-Teruel (UNESCO Housing Chair, URV). The access is free of charge through Microsoft Teams.

Link to the full programme: https://housing.urv.cat/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/CfP-Housing-New-Tech.pdf


Prof. D. Sergio Nasarre speaks for the web pisos.com What changes does the new Housing Law foresee to introduce in the rent?:  https://www.pisos.com/aldia/que-cambios-preve-introducir-en-el-alquiler-la-nueva-ley-de-vivienda/1646446/



It has been published in no. 35 of the Revista Chilena de Derecho Privado the fourth review of the book by Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar “Los años de la crisis de la vivienda”. On this occasion prepared by Dr. Maridalia Rodríguez Padilla, who in her work summarize the content of the book and comment about the main themes developed by the author. Available in: https://housing.urv.cat/en/cover/research/publications/ and www.rchdp.cl.


Next  January 14 at 6:00 p.m. (Spanish time) will take place the 12th International Workshop “Homeownership and possession: from expropriators to expropriated”. All the information is in: https://housing.urv.cat/en/webinar-homeownership-and-possession/

Journal of the UNESCO Housing Chair

The 14 issue of the journal Housing has been published: https://housing.urv.cat/en/cover/research/newsletter/



Below you may find the scientific reports entrusted to the UNESCO Housing Chair or those ones in which the Chair’s researchers collaborated.
