Diari de Tarragona
New options to mediate
Emma López, Diari de Tarragona, 19/01/2020
New options to mediate
Emma López, Diari de Tarragona, 19/01/2020
On the occasion of the European day of mediation, the library of the URV at the Catalunya Campus offers some books, journals and films about the topic.
More information here: http://www.urv.cat/ca/vida-campus/serveis/crai/activitats/173/nou-centre-d-interes-al-crai-catalunya-dia-europeu-de-la-mediacio
The predoctoral student María Paula Rodríguez has published the article whose n “Cohousing as a collaborative housing model and its differentiation from horizontal property” in the Consell Magazine (professional magazine of the administrators of collegiate farms), núm. 121, pp. 16 a 19. It analyzes the distinctive aspects between the two dogmatic formulations of organization of buildings for homes that combine exclusive rights and exclusive ownership, with others of collective or communal use.
The URV turns the leading research work of the UNESCO Housing Chair into a pioneering educational and recreational project to address all forms of Homelessness.
Indicador de Economía, Primer diario económico de les comarcas de Tarragona, núm. 239, enero 2020, pp. 12-13.
Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre talks about collaborative economics. Diari of Tarragona, 07/01/2020.
The Director of the UNESCO Housing Chair, Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre, and the researcher Núria Lambea have been invited at the University of Valladolid to exchange knowledge with researchers of the Faculty of Law on housing policies, mortgagors and collaborative housing (09/01/2020).
Five innovative Spanish housing solutions recognized at European.
Also in: https://tarragonadigital.com/area-metropolitana/urv-habitatge-social-parlament-europeu-2020
Dr. Sergio Nasarre and Dr. Estela Rivas delivered a copy courtesy of “El Llindar”, a simulation experience to raise awareness about homelessness, to Mr. Javier Hernández from the Salle (Tarragona), in gratitude for her collaboration in making this experience a reality. More information about the acquisition of “The threshold” experience may be found at https://llindar.cat/en/
On desember 18, 2019 the Chair delivered a commemorative gift to Dr. Imma Ribas for her recognition in the activity of the Chair.
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Avda. Catalunya, 35
43002 Tarragona
Telf. +34 977558724