The Threshold

UN-Habitat Spain has received one of the courtesy copies of the “The Threshold” simulation experience within the framework of the activities carried out by the Chair of in fulfillment of its founding objective of transferring knowledge specialized. We are pleased with the good reception from the institutions, and we hope that this contribution can contribute to reflecting on the problem of homelessness.



Housing: having a roof, a poorly protected right and pendular policies depending on the color of the governments. Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre speaks for


The Altafulla City Council and the Chair prepare a plan that detects the shortcomings in housing and propose solutions.


Dr. Blanca Deusdad participates in the “Breakfast-Colloquia del Diari” talking about “Saving for retirement incorporates social changes”, Diari de Tarragona, 02/12/2020–20201202-0074.html


Diari de Tarragona

Collaborative housing in times of Covid-19, Sra. Maria Paula Rodríguez, Diari de Tarragona, 06/12/2020



Interview with Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar on hidden homelessness. Betevé. 02/12/2020



The recording of the webinar on “Housing: right, asset and territory” is now available:


Hidden homelessness

The Chair collaborates with the Síndica de Greuges de Barcelona to prepare a report on hidden Homelessness. The report is available at:

More information in:




Research to Business Programme Grant for the “Design and marketing of the ‘Good management of social housing Certificate’ (CVS)”

UNESCO Housing Chair’s project “Design and marketing of the ‘Good management of social housing Certificate’ (CVS)” has received one of the seven grants from the URV Foundation’s Reseach to Business Programme, which aims to support the preliminary stage of introducing the knowledge and results obtained from the University’s research into the market.

The project aims to design and develop a protocol that allows for the evaluation and subsequent certification of the good management of all housing providers, including public bodies or companies or private for-profit or non-profit entities. The good management of social housing certificate (CVS) will constitute a guarantee of efficient management and a label of good-quality management. It is mainly the result of two PhD thesis outcomes (Dr. Núria Lambea with the “Proposal for a social housing management model in a European context” and Dr. Maridalia Rodríguez “Foreign investment through real estate trust to mitigate the housing deficit in the Dominican Republic”), as well as the constant work and research carried out at international and national level by the members of the UNESCO Housing Chair.

The project will be carried out throughout 2021 and will also include three pilot projects with housing providers that have already shown interest in undergoing this evaluation and certification. They are the Reus City Council, the housing public company in Tarragona SMHAUSA and the Hàbitat3 Foundation, a third sector social housing provider. These projects will help us to consolidate our certificate, in order to offer it both at a regional and at a national level.

Local Housing Plan

The Chair collaborates with the Tarragona City Council for the drafting of the Local Housing Plan