
¿Qué se sabe de los planes del Gobierno para regular los alquileres y qué ha ocurrido en otros países?

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre, 09 03 2020

Diari de Tarragona

Dra. Carmen Gómez Buendia, “El mercado del alquiler y sus vicisitudes históricas”, Diari de Tarragona, 15-03-2020.

Publication ENHR Newsletter

The European Network for Housing Research published its Newsletter 1/2020, including some news from the UNESCO Housing Chair. In particular, the appointment of Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno as Coordinator of the Working Group “Southern European Housing”, or the new publication of Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar entitled “The years of the housing crisis”.

La Ser, Radio

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre has participated in the program of La Ser “To live that is two days” on February 22. Here is the link where it leaves from minute 28:

A project of the UNESCO Housing Chair and the SEES research group: lab receives one of the 13 social research grants from “La Caixa”

The proposal of the UNESCO Chair and the SEES: lab group has been selected from more than 500 proposals.


The Chair participates in the Comprehensive Care Network for the homeless in Tarragona

Diari de Tarragona

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre, “Ida y vuelta con la vivienda: de Tarragona a la Australia urbana”, Diari de Tarragona,  28/02/2020

Closing ceremony Course “Real Estate Agent and Property Management”

Last Saturday, February 29, took place the last session and closing ceremony of the 7th edition of the course “Real Estate Agent and Property Management”.

Urban Assembly of Catalonia

On 17th february Dr. Estela Rivas has attended the second meeting of the Urban Assembly of Catalonia in the Pedralbes Palace of Barcelona. During this meeting, organisators explained the process of citizen participation  carried out during 2019 and the procedure for the development of the New  Urban Agenda of Catalonia.

City Futures Research Centre de la UNSW

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre has given the conference “Housing and new technologies: blockchain, robots and artificial intelligence”, on February 17 at the City Futures Research Center of the UNSW (University of New South Wales) in Sydney, Australia.