
Diari de Tarragona, 13/04/2020–20200413-0013.html

Webinar 1

Webinar 1. “Hipoteca, alquiler y otras tenencias en tiempos de alarma”


Día y hora. El 16-4-2020 a las 18 h.

Sesión a través de Microsoft Teams.

Enlace a la Sala



Ya estamos preparando el primer Webinar en abierto “La vivienda como refugio en tiempos del COVID19” para el próximo jueves 16 de abril de 2020 a las 18:00h. Hablaremos sobre la hipoteca y los alquileres durante el estado de alarma.
Sesión a través de Microsoft Teams. El enlace, lo publicaremos más adelante.


El alquiler de vivienda se la juega en España

El Pais, 04/04/2020


Published books: The times of the housing crisis

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar is the author of this book, which is the result of eight years of research covering fourteen years of housing crisis, which begins with the subprime crisis in the United States and ends up claiming a specific and coherent legal framework for housing, the need to diversify the forms of housing tenures and make them really functional, as well as justifying a reorientation of the active and passive operations of the mortgage market.

Publication of a scientific article on blockchain and housing

Dr. Rosa M. Garcia Teruel recently published an article at Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law entitled “Legal challenges and opportunities of blockchain technology in the real estate sector”. This article aims to explore the opportunities and risks of using blockchain technology for several real estate operations, such as rental and purchase contracts.
The article is available open access at the following link:

Meeting with the Government of Germany

On March 9, Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre participated in a meeting with the German Government on housing policies in Europe, together with professors Schimd and Haffner.


Dr. Maridalia Rodríguez Padilla has shared in the opinion column Aleph Jurídico of Magazine a short reflection on how the measures dictated by the authorities will affect the homeless and those living in poor housing, in prevent the spread of COVID-19, especially “stay home”. (22-03-2020)


Publication at “Otrosí”, the Madrid Bar Association magazine on rent reference index

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre recently published an article as an expert on private rental markets at the magazine “Otrosí”, edited by the Madrid Bar Association. This article is entitled “Indexed rents in the complex framework of housing affordability” and concludes that indexed rent systems or rent controls are not “the solution” but should be accompanied by medium and long term policies that solve key issues to make renting more attractive to tenants and landlords. The article is available at (pp. 66-67):