Lecture at the Conference on housing, environment and the elderly

Dr. Simón delivered the lecture “Housing financial products for the elderly” at the “Aging, housing and environment” conference, organized by the Housing Observatory of Barcelona. The conference took place at the Consorcio Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo Barcelona-Center Ernest Lluch on November 27, 2019. The lecture addressed the main financial products available for the elderly, such as the reverse mortgage, the home reversion or the assignment of the housing for rent purposes.



The prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre participated on November 25 at the “IV Jornades sobre Desigualtats socials” organized by the University of Lleida with the conference “Innovacions legals per a afavorir l’accés a l’habitatge en un context comparat: reforma del lloguer, tinences intermèdies i habitatge col·laboratiu”.


Monitoring committee

On November 29, the Monitoring committee of the Chair was held with the parnerts and the Advisory Council.