Congress opening

On November 21 and 22, Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre participated as a keynote speaker in the Congress of collaborative accommodation that was held in Almería, organized by the University of Almeria in collaboration with the University of the Balearic Islands. Prof. Dr. Nasarre was in charge of inaugurating the Congress with a presentation on housing and collaborative economy in which he explained the new perspectives of access to housing in response to the economic crisis, based on the use of new technologies and blockchain as a decentralized system of information verification between peers.


Diari de Tarragona

Una Europa sin niños y concentración en la ciudad

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre, 21/11/2019

Communication to international congress

Last Friday, November 22, PhD student Maria Paula Rodríguez, a researcher at the UNESCO Housing Chair of URV, orally introduced the statement entitled “Cohousing as a model of collaborative housing: risks arising from the determination of spaces and uses, and the dogmatic nature of purpose “, whose participation took place in the International Congress of Collaborative Accommodation in the city of Almeria. A great opportunity to account for the challenges facing the new collaborative alternatives to access housing.


Extraordinary doctoral award

Dr. Rosa Maria Garcia Teruel received on November 14th the extraordinary doctoral award in Law for her doctoral thesis “The replacement of the rent for renovation works in urban leases”. The extraordinary doctoral award recognizes the best doctoral dissertation in each area of knowledge. The book including the research from her PhD might be found at:

Interview in Canal Reus Television

Dr. Héctor Simón was interviewed in Canal Reus on Monday, November 18th, about the impact of the Spanish Act 15/2019 (which came into force in June 2019 and implements into Spanish law the mortgage credit directive 2014) and its impact on the access to housing and the protection of consumers who purchase real estate for a residential purposes. It is available at:

Ambassadors meeting

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre attended, last Friday November 15th, the Ambassadors meeting. There, Dr. Xavier Grau explained the importance of investment in research and its need to be effectively used in the production and social sectors.


Dr. Estela Rivas Nieto has published the chapter “Retos Tributarios del crowdfunding”, to the monograph Comercio internacional y economía col·laborativa en la era digital. Aspectos tributarios y empresariales of the editorial Thomson Reuters Aranzadi.


ENHR Coordination Committee meeting

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre participated in the ENHR Coordination Committee meeting that took place last week in Nicosia. Among other things, the venue and development of the ENHR 2020 Conference were discussed (08-11-2019). ENHR is the largest network of expert housing researchers in Europe.

International research partner

The Housing Chair of the URV will be one of the of the Department of Civil Law at the University of Malta in the project entitled ‘Systematising Smart Contracts within Classical Contract Law Theory’. The Department of Civil Law, of which a PhD graduate of the Housing Chair, Kurt Xerri, forms part, has been awarded a Research Excellence Grant of EUR 60k from the Research Grant Committee of the University of Malta, towards the end of conducting research on the legal effects of computer protocols containing partially or fully self-executing, self-enforcing agreements.  This will be done over a two-year period from January 2020 to 2021.  As a partner, the URV will be involved in all the various stages of the project.