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Intermediate tenures


The Cerdà Institute

The Cerdà Institute, together with Barcelona Global, ESADE, La Vanguardia and Sogeviso organized last March 26, 2019, under the direction of Joan Clos, former Mayor of Barcelona and former head of UN Habitat, the conference “Affordable housing: the role of urbanism and the local administration “, in which Dr. Sergio Nasarre was invited to intervene. Divided into three panels (Challenges of housing: affordable housing, Alternatives for access to affordable housing: public-private collaboration and financing and affordable housing), the quality of the presentations was high and the debate intense. The conference was closed with the intervention of the candidates for the Mayor’s Office of Barcelona.


International Workshop

Dr. Héctor Simón has taken part in the International Workshop “EU Economic Governance and the Charter of Fundamental Rights” addressing how the European institutions are dealing with non-performing loans and how the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union may play a role in the decisions taken so far. The Workshop took place in Dublin on Friday, March 22, within the framework of a European project led by Dr. Padraic Kenna.

Meeting of the Coordination Committee of the European Network for Housing Research

During the 22nd and 23rd of March, the meeting of the Coordination Committee of the European Network for Housing Research (ENHR), the largest network of researchers on housing in Europe, was held in Barcelona, in which Dr. Sergio Nasarre took part. There the new bylaws of the entity were discussed and the preparations being developed for the ENHR2019 international congress in Athens and ENHR2020 in Nicosia were presented, while deciding the headquarters of ENHR 2021.


Interview with Dr. Héctor Simón on the radio.



Congress Building the Right to Housing

As part of the implementation process of the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda, the event is organized “Building the Right to Housing”, a discussion forum that will be conducive to assessing the state of the recognition of the right to housing as a fundamental human right, and the progress of the precepts and objectives arising from the international agendas in relation to the subject.


On March 19, Dr. Sergio Nasarre was invited to the University of Girona to give a session on collaborative economy, housing and tourism.

Participation in the Real Estate Conference

Dr. Rosa Maria Garcia Teruel was speaker at Table 2 on the future of the rental market in the Real Estate Conference organized by the Association of Real Estate Agents of Girona. In her presentation, she presented the recent amendments of Law on Urban Leases and the legal reforms that are still necessary to make this type of tenure a true alternative to homeownership.

Lecture at a conference on squatting in residential buildings

Dr. Héctor Simon took part on Thursday 14 March 2019 in a seminar organised by the Regional Council of Vallès Oriental, with the presentation “Squatting in residential buildings and the fundamental rights at stake”. The Conference also addressed the procedural and criminal protection of homeowners and the role to be played by public administrations.