Meeting of Foro Komunita Bormliza of Malta

Kurt Xerri, predoctoral researcherd of Housing Chair URV, has participed on 28th july in the meeting of Foro Komunita Bormliza which it was attended by the President of Malta, the Ms. Marie Louise Coleiro Preca. The main aim of the meeting was to speak out about the need to have a national housing policy to safeguard local communities in cities across the island of Malta. In the presentation that Mrs. Kurt Xerri gave during the meeting, he said that solutions to the current crisis could include subsidies to help low income households, incentives to encourage home owners to rent out any unused properties, as well as rent stabilization measures.

Gemma Caballé, guanyadora d’un ajut a la recerca de la Fundació Banc Sabadell

La investigadora predoctoral de la Càtedra d’Habitatge de la URV, Gemma Caballé, ha estat guanyadora d’un dels quinze ajuts convocats per la Fundació Banc Sabadell a la Investigació Científica pel seu projecte sobre El règimen jurídic dels “condohotels”. La convocatòria, destinada a investigadors predoctorals, té per objectiu donar suport a la investigació científica en els camps del coneixement econòmic, empresarial, jurídic i social.

Extraordinary Award of the URV

The Governing Council of the URV has agreed to award Gemma Caballé, a member of The Housing Chair, with the ”Extraordinary Award” in recognition of the best academic career of the Master of Business Law and the Contracting of the academic year 2014/15. This is the second consecutive time that Gemma Caballé receive this award, as it also was recognized the best award of the Degree in Law from the University Rovira i Virgili in promotion degree 2010/2014.

Doctoral grant from the Generalitat

Núria Lambea was granted with a doctoral grant from the Generalitat (AGAUR). This grant covers three years of her doctoral research on social housing management.

Invitation to European Commission

Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar, Professor of Civil Law and Director of the Housing Chair URV has been invited by the European Commission (The Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets) to participate as speaker at the International Conference on covered bonds held on February 1st in order to inform on the harmonization of mortgage bonds in Europe because, which despite being a very robust financial product, it has some shortcomings, such as the negative impact of the crisis that some national covered bonds have suffered.

It is a very important decision to achieve a real common European mortgage market because mortgages represent more than 50% of European GDP and is an area not yet harmonized. The harmonization of covered bonds may mitigate the negative consequences of a new mortgage crisis.

4th International Workshop

On January 22 was hold the 4th International Workshop, in which two visiting professors of the Housing Chair have been speakers. Dr. Katarzyna Królikowska, from the Constitutional Court of Poland, who presented their work on the possible regulation of shared ownership and temporal ownership in the Civil Code of Poland and Dorit Garfunkel, researcher at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, who presented her research on condominiums and skyscrapers.

Meeting with Reviure Solanell

Members of the Housing Chair met on January 21th with the team of Reviure Solanell, a project created to rebuild and revive the village Solanell. One of the options that could be applied would be the use of shared ownership.

Agreement between the Housing Chair and DIBA

Rovira i Virgili, through the Housing Chair and Barcelona Provincial Council (Diputació de Barcelona, DIBA), have signed an agreement to conduct joint research on housing. This agreement will allow to continue the collaboration between both institutions, which have already carried out joint research on intermediate tenures and masoveria urbana.

Speaker at the Local Law seminar

Dr. Sergio Nasarre on 15 January, has been a speaker at the Local Law Seminar, a program specialized in local law training offered uninterruptedly since 1987 by the Federation of Municipalities of Catalonia, Barcelona City Council, Provincial Council Barcelona Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and the School of Public Administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

The presentation of Dr. Nasarre was entitled: “New local responses to social demands in housing.”