Closure of the Real Estate Course

The closure of the II edition of the Real Estate and Property Managers Course took place in March 14th in the headquarters of the Rovira i Virgili Foundation. This Course have been coordinated by Dr. Héctor Simón and Dr. Sergio Nasarre and some of the Housing Chair members have given lectures. It accredits a formative degree for those carrying out real estate activities and it entitles to access the real estate career.

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Publication of the book “European Condominium Law”

The book “European Condominium Law” (Cambridge University Press), coordinated by Cornelius Van Der Merwe, has been published. Dr. Sergio Nasarre is co-author concerning the condominium legislation of the Spanish legal system.

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Conference in the Urban Property Chamber

Last 19th of February took place, within the framework of the celebration of the Urban Property Chamber of Tarragona centenary, a conference given by Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar, director of the Housing Chair, where the adoption and future perspectives of Act 20/2014, the Catalan Consumers Code, was explained. More information.

I Meeting of Spanish Housing Research Groups

Last 22nd of January took place in Zaragoza the first meeting of housing research groups in Spain. The Housing Chair participated and was one of the drivers. All the groups explained their current research projects and aims were put in common. Moreover, they talked about establishing new links in order to undertake further research together.

European Day of Mediation

The Housing Chair and the Foundation of Rovira i Virgili University are organizing a conference on the occasion of the European Day of Mediation. It will take place next Wednesday 21st of January 2015, from 11.30 to 13.00 h, in the conference hall of the URV Foundation in Reus (Av. Onze de Setembre, 112, Reus). The invited speaker is Mr. José Alberto Olalde Altarejos, mediator and professor of Social Work in the Basque Country University UPV- EHU.
In the afternoon, from 19.00 to 20.30 h, there will be a Round Table in the Chamber of Commerce of Tarragona (Av. Pau Casals, 17, Tarragona), invigorated by the journalist Yolanda Garcia and with the participation of: a representative of the Justice Department in Tarragona; Mr. Javier Hernández, President of the Tarragona Provincial Court; Mr. Manel Canyameres, lawyer and mediator specialized in family business; a representative of REPSOL; and Emma López Solé, specialist in mediation and director of the Mediation Certificate in the URV Foundation. The opening of the session will be in charge of a representative of the Tarragona Chamber of Commerce and a representative of the University Rovira i Virgili, and it will be closed by Mr. Joaquim Nin Borreda, Delegate of the Government in Tarragona.

Concession of the scholarship FI-DGR 2015

Rosa Maria Garcia Teruel, doctoral researcher in the Housing Chair, has been granted a the scholarship FI-DGR 2015 from the Catalan Government. It aims at funding her PhD on the replacement of rent in lieu of repair/refurbish works on the leased housing.