Presentation of a Master’s thesis

Gemma Caballé, predoctoral researcher, has presented her thesis “An approach to the concept of home”, with an A grade. The court was composed by Dr. Pedro del Pozo, Dr. Mario Ruiz and Dr. Héctor Simón.

Third Housing Chair’s Newsletter

The third Newsletter, in which different aspects of housing are treated, has been published: legislative and jurisprudential developments, intermediate tenures in the civil procedure, trust, housing market, etc.

More information and free download here.

Grant of BBVA Foundation

BBVA Foundation has awarded the Housing Chair with a grant for a new research project, within the program Ayudas a Investigadores y Creadores Culturales 2015. This research project, under the direction of Dr. Héctor Simón, will cover the optimisation of the reverse mortgage from an European and American perspective.

This project will treat the sustainability of the pension system and the efficiency of the Dependence Act. In particular, it will analyse the reverse mortgage as an alternativa to private financing and how to optimise its regulation.


Meeting with Tom Simecek, Vicepresident of UIPI and President of the Czech Property Owners Association

Last 21st July, the Housing Chair received the visit of the Vicepresident of the International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) and the President of the Czech Property Owners Association Tom Simecek. The meeting, which was very fruitful, entailed a sharing of knowledge on housing. Mr Simecek explained the current housing situation in the Czech Republic and exposed the last changes and the new legal measures in his country, mostly concerning social housing and tenancies.

“Robinhoodian” courts’ decisions

An article of Dr. Sergio Nasarre has been published in the International Journal of Law in the Built Environment.This article is focused on “robinhoodian” court’s decisions, i.e., those judgements that, in order to protect consumers, wrongly apply the Law, while they base their decisions in equity. More information.

2nd International Workshop Spain – South Africa – United Kingdom

On 22th June the 2nd International Workshop Spain – South Africa- United Kingdom has been organised by the Housing Chair. In this workshop, designed as an information sharing event, have participated the researchers of the Housing Chair and also Juanita Pienaar, of Stellenbosch University, and Peter Orji, of the Kingston University.

Conference ENHR

Six researchers of the Housing Chair have participated, in the field of housing (tenancies, right to housing, social housing…) in the Conference organised by the European Network for Housing Research in Lisbon from 28th June to 1st July.

Research stay in Essex University

The predoctoral researcher Gemma Caballé Fabra has undertaken a summer research stay at Essex University, in Colchester (UK), with professor Lorna Fox, in order to go in depth on her research field: the concept of housing.

FURV certificates

On Friday 19th June took place the ceremony of the Mediation postgraduate degree (2013-2014). Some researchers of the Housing Chair, who are also lecturers and organisers of this degree, accompanied the students in the awarding of certificates.


Meeting on Evictions

18th and 19th May there is a meeting of the project of Evictions, in which Dr. Sergio Nasarre is researcher, in the Faculty of Legal Sciences in Tarragona. In 2014 the European Commission launched its first official study into the promotion of the right to a home in member countries and on the consequences of evictions.