Dr. Sergio Nasarre in TV3 (Catalan public television)

Dr. Sergio Nasarre, director of the Housing Chair, has appeared in the programme TV3.Cat “housing emergency”, as an specialist in the housing area and together with other participants like: Santi Vila, Catalan minister of Territory and Sustainability; Rafael Ribó, Catalan Ombudsman; Carme Trilla, coordinator of the Housing Mediation Service in Càritas Diocesana de Barcelona and former Housing Secretary; Vanesa Valiño, director of the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Observatory, Carlos Macías, member of the Platform of Mortgage Affected (Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca, PAH) and Cristina Fallarás, a journalist who lost her job and was evicted.

AMATI conference

Emma López, researcher of the Housing Chair, has attended the conference: “Teaching Mediation An Open Space Conference”, organised by AMATI  (Association of Mediation Assessors, Trainers and Instructors). The conference was held in London, on 30th November.

This conference aims to establish teaching models and better practices in the field of mediation.

Conference in Malta

On 10th December, Kurt Xerri, visiting scholar of the Housing Chair, was speaker of the conference The Role of Human Rights Bodies in Promoting a Human Rights Culture. His presentation was title The need for increased awareness and effectiveness of housing rights in Malta.

Speaker on a Conference on new housing law

Dr. Sergio Nasarre, director of the Housing Chair, has participated in a Conference on new legislation on urban planning, sustainability and housing, organised by the Basque Institute of Public Administration.

Book on expropiation

Dr. Héctor Simón, researcher of the Housing Chair, is the author of a book’s chapter on Expropiation Law in a comparative perspective.  SLUYSMAN, Jacques, VERBIST, Stijn i WATING, Emma (eds.), Expropriation Law in Europe, Wolters Kluwers, 2015. 

Third international workshop

On Monday, 23th Novembre the third international workshop Spain-Israel has been held. We have counted on the presence of Dr.Rachelle Alterman and Na’ama Teschner, from  Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.

The Housing Chair is awarded with R2B Funding

The Housing Chair has been awarded with the R2B Project (Research to Business), granted by the Rovira i Virgili University, in order to grant the project of “Analyzing the commercial viability of tools and counseling related to intermediate tenures”. This project, which will be finished in 2016, will analyze the viability of commercializing intermediate tenures (created from the research carried out by the Chair) as a form to access to housing.

Public housing management course

On 28th October, the Housing Chair with the Public Administration School of Catalonia organised the “Public housing management course”, which treated about deficient housing, its management in Catalonia and in a comparative perspective, as well as good practices in the Public Management. Several researchers of the Housing Chair were speakers in the course.

Covered Bond Conference, 22th and 23th October

From 22th to 23th October, the Housing Chair and the Association of German Pfandbrief Banks (Verband deutscher Pfandbriefbanken) organise the Covered Bond Conference, in which prestigious specialists from the banking sector and from the European Commission will treat several current topics about covered bonds.

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Defence of master’s thesis

On Saturday 26th, the master thesis of the master’s in mediation have been presented. Those thesis allow students to replace professional  practices for a thesis about the viability and a business plan about a mediation business in different fields.