URV student wins the II Edition of the Hispajuris & Economist & Jurist Prize

The jury of the II Edition of the Hispajuris & Economist & Jurist Prize (http://www.hispajuris.es/ie/premio.aspx?submenu=9) has announced that the winner (http://g3.jurisoft.es/docftp/fi119967Fallo%20Premio.pdf) of this edition is the paper presented by our student David Pérez López. The title and subject of this edition was “Payment in Kind” and the paper presented by Mr. Pérez (“Payment in Kind. State of the issue and a comparative approach”) is based on his final Degree Dissertation “Payment in kind in Spain: state of the issue and possible alternatives”, which was overseen by Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno, a post-doctoral researcher in Civil Law at the URV and supervised by Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar, full professor of Civil Law at the URV. The prize will be awarded in the framework of the XVII Annual Congress of Hipajuris (Zaragoza, 26th to the 28th of September 2013).