Urban October ONU

The Chair organizes the 10th international Workshop entitled “Collaborative Housing” with the aim of reviewing the collaborative phenomenon applied to housing, its advantages and obstacles as a means of access to housing, especially in the face of the scenario posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. https://housing.urv.cat/en/webinar-la-vivienda-colaborativa/

The speakers are: Darinka Czischke, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment, Delft University of Technology; María Paula Rodríguez, Pre-doctoral Researcher at the UNESCO Chair Housing Chair and Dolors Camats, Director of the Cooperativa Obrera de Viviendas.

The event is part of the activities developed by UN-Habitat to commemorate the Urban October, the World Habitat Day and the World Cities Day. You may find more information in the following link:

