
On June 19, Maridalia Rodríguez Padilla defended at the University of Barcelona (UB) her PhD thesis with the title “Foreign investment through the real estate trust to mitigate the housing deficit in the Dominican Republic”. Its directors were Dr. Georgina Garriga Suau and Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar. It has been evaluated by the professors Dr. Jordi Bonet Pérez (University of Barcelona), Dr. Estela Rivas Nieto (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) and Dr. Emmanuel Cedeño Brea (OMG Institute).
The PhD thesis promote the design of a legal framework that encourages the development of the Dominican real estate market through the real estate trust with foreign participation, in its different forms of sale, rent, lease with option to purchase and other forms of tenure. With the objective of reducing the housing deficiency that affects the Dominican Republic.