
Maridalia Rodríguez Padilla inaugurated an opinion space called “Aleph Jurídico” in the online magazine Through which it will share social and legal issues related specifically to  Housing Rights and its improvement in the Dominican Republic; the factors to overcome towards the development of a diversified and inclusive real estate market, as well as financial and legal developments that can have a positive impact in the residential market.The column began with an opinion article on the recent reform of  Trust law in the Dominican Republic, since the aforementioned modification deals directly with incentives to spur the development of affordable housing.

This first article has been titled: “La insuficiencia de la reforma de la Ley 189-11 para el desarrollo del mercado hipotecario y el fideicomiso en la República Dominicana”. Its purpose is to contribute to the reduction of the country’s housing deficit at the national level; and that it’s achievements can be emulated by other countries with the same housing challenges.