Opening of the Postgraduate Course on Housing Policies FURV

The first edition of the Postgraduate Course in Housing Policies of the Foundation URV began on last November 17.

In this Course, students have the opportunity to specialise in the different phases of the process of developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating housing policies, from a multidisciplinary approach, which includes both legal and architectural, urban planning, social, technical and economic aspects. Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC), Institut Valencià de l’Edificació (IVE) and Asociación Española de Gestores Públicos de Vivienda y Suelo (AVS) are partners of this Course.

The opening session was led by Mr Mario Yoldi Domínguez, Director of Planning and Housing Operations Processes, Department of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Housing, Basque Government.