The UNESCO Chair of Housing URV promotes three accredited and specialized courses: one in housing policies (unique training in the territory), and the other two on real estate agents and mediation, unique in the South of Catalonia. Many students and professionals have already attended these courses. We are also launching a fourth course, the European Housing Studies (EHS), a unique training course on housing at European level, supported by three European public universities.

More details of the courses:


The UNESCO Housing Chair takes the lead on the only Postgraduate Course in Housing Policies in Catalonia and one of the few postgraduate courses on this subject in Spain.

This specialised Potgraduate Course includes the different phases of the process of elaboration, execution, monitoring and evaluation of housing policies and is approached from a multidisciplinary perspective that includes legal, architectural, urban planning, social, technical and economic aspects.


This course responds to the need to certify a training level by those who exercise the real estate activity in Catalonia (18/2007 Act and Decree 12/2010). It is an accredited Course, as it provides the training contents required by the current legislation.


The EHS course has been designed to rise the qualification and the education standards and overall achieving a greater professionalization within the housing sector.

EHS is backed by three European public universities and has been developed by consolidated housing experts around Europe, with the support of the European Commission.

The EHS has been conceived for professionals involved in the housing sector, such as real-estate agents, housing managers, policymakers, third sector NGOs and consumers. All of them will gain specific skills to address the recurring issues and the contentious problems that characterize the contemporary housing policies at European level.

In addition, postgraduate students of different disciplines (e.g. law, sociology, social work, economy, finance, sociology, anthropology, architecture, urban design, engineering), that have only superficially and partially addressed housing issues during their degrees, will get specialized training in housing studies to start their carees in the housing sector.

It uses innovative didactic tools such as dinamic presnetations, videos and gamification.


This University Diploma successfully combines teachers from the academic and professional sector, local and international mediators, school, business and real estate mediators, but in any case, experts in mediation chosen for their academic or professional value. The result: dynamic lectures, which challenge students and place them in extreme positions; lectures where emotions are felt. These sessions are based on role-play and case analysis, and they are accompanied by recommended readings and master classes. The educational program has been endorsed by the Mediation Center of Private Law of Catalonia and is registered with the Ministry of Justice as a center that provides training in mediation. It also has the partnership of the office of professional mediators Addo Conflict Resolution, based in Barcelona and Tarragona.

Further University courses (at the Rovira i Virgili University) where the UNESCO Housing Chair develops teaching tasks: