Open Access

The URV’s UNESCO Housing Chair offers free access to different scientific publications regarding cohousing, blockchain, rehabilitation for rent, housing tenures, housing rights and European reports, which can be found and downloaded at
Gradually more documents will be available.

Participation in an International Workshop – University of Cambridge

Dr. Héctor Simón attended the “Designing appropriate and affordable settlements” workshop, which was organized by the Center of Development Studies and Department of Land Economics of the University of Cambridge on 3 and 4 December. Geoffrey Payne, an expert in urban development that has advised international organizations such as the World Bank or UN-Habitat, also took part in the Workshop, which involved preparing detailed development proposals for a specific site (in Ismailia, Egypt) which are socially acceptable, economically viable and ecologically sustainable.

The researcher Gemma Caballé attends a CRS course

On 22th November 2018, the PhD student of the chair Gemma Caballé, who is doing her PhD about the new challenges of the real estate agents’ profession, attended the CRS course (Council of Residential Specialists) organized by the Tarragona Real Estate Agents Bar (Colegio de Agentes de la Propiedad Inmobiliaria de Tarragona). This course was delivered by Mr. Leopold Roca, member of CRS Spain. He explained the best techniques and practices so that estate agents can offer better services to the buyer and the seller of a home.

UNESCO Housing Chair researchers attended the Course “Ensuring the housing access and security, two collective challenges”

The UNESCO Housing Chair researchers Gemma Caballé and Núria Lambea attended, last Tuesday October 30, the Course “Ensuring the housing access and security, two collective challenges”, held in Barcelona and organised by the Consorci Universitat Internacional Menéndez Pelayo Barcelona (CUIMPB) – Centre Ernest Lluchin cooperation with the Observatori Metropolità de l’Habitatge de Barcelona (Barcelona Metropolitan Observatory on Housing, O-HB). Speakers from both the academic and institutional field (state, regional and local) as well as representatives of private entities and organisations participated in a Course with a numerous attending audience.

See the programme and more information about this Course in



The UNESCO Housing Chair in the Barcelona Meeting Point (BMP) 2018

Gemma Caballé Fabra,  PhD student of the UNESCO Housing Chair,  attended the Barcelona Meeting Point 2018 on October 25 and 26, 2018 to learn about the new trends in real estate sector, especially in the field of “proptech”, which includes topics such as home automation, smartcontracts,  blockchain, online real estate agencies, etc. One of the conclusions from this congress is the growing importance of technology in real estate sector.

On the other hand, Laura Lopez, Director of the Foundation “Mutua de Propietarios” also presented at the same congress the study carried out with the UNESCO Housing Chair on the accessibility of Spanish homes.

Start of the 6th Edition of the Course on Real Estate Agent and Property Management 2018/2019

The opening session of the 6th Edition of the Course on Real Estate Agent and Property Management 2018/2019 took place on Saturday, September 29. The Course, which is offered by the URV Foundation, is jointly organized by the UNESCO Housing Chair of Rovira i Virgili University and the College of Real Estate Agent of the Province of Tarragona. The Course enables to practice the profession of real estate agent in accordance with the provisions of Law 18/2007 and Decree 12/2010.

Cambridge Center Workshop for Property Law 25th and 26th of May

Dr. Héctor Simón attended the “Regulatory Issues in Property Law Conference 2018” on 25 and 26 May 2018. This Congress, organized by the Cambridge Center for Property Law, brought together experts in property law and professionals from United Kingdom and other countries so as to discuss the most important challenges currently facing property rights, urban planning and environmental law.

Simulation experience about homelessness awareness

On Tuesday 5th of March the UNESCO Housing Chair developed the beta test of the simulation experience El Umbral in La Salle school (based on the documentary film of the same name and the 2016 report asked for by the European Commission ( about homelessness with success.

Seventh international scientific seminar: ‘’Polices, accessibility and housing finance’’

On Wednesday 9th of March took place at the Rovira i Virgili University the seventh international scientific seminar: ‘’Polices, accessibility and housing finance’’, organized by the UNESCO Housing Chair. Several experts, professionals, and academics attended this workshop.

The Seminar started with a speech delivered by Prof. Dr. Christoph U. Schmid, of the University of Bremen, which was about the coherence of the housing national policies in Europe, specially the harmonization of the public and private elements. The second speech was in charge of Ms. Laura López Demarbre, Director of the Mutua de Propietarios Foundation in which was analysed the relation between the situation of the housing buildings and the households living there, specially disabled and elderly people. Finally, the last speech was delivered by the Dr. Guillem Fernández, member of Coop57, a cooperative of etic and social financial services, specially related with the financing of housing cooperatives. The seminar finished with a round table in which the attendants could discuss the topics presented.