Conference: 360º housing

On October 31st, the Chair organized the Conference “Housing in 360º” at La Pedrera in Barcelona. You may find the program in the following link:

Predoctoral seminar

Second predoctoral seminar today with PhD candidates at the Unesco Housing Chair where they presented their progress on housing research. Have participated Paula Rodríguez, Silvana Canales, Andrés Labella and LLuc Font (06/11/2019).


Posters in the I Congress on the right to personal autonomy

On October 21 and 22, 2019, the I Congress on the Right to Personal Autonomy took place at the International Convention Center of Barcelona (CCIB). The conclusions and presentations can be consulted in the following link: The UNESCO Housing Chair of the URV contributed to the presentation of two of the twenty participating posters.

The first poster presents the SOCATEL Project, which consists of a co-creative platform to implement long-term care laws for the elderly. It is a research project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Program. Information can be expanded at the link:

The second poster with the name COMBIO240 tries to disseminate the knowledge of article 240 of the Civil Code of Catalonia on the mutual relations of mutual support and its potential to accomplish with article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) and Observation General 5 of the Convention Committee (2017).

Postgraduate in mediation

A new edition of the postgraduate course in mediation and resolution of conflicts that we promote has begun this week . Our students will work on various conflict resolution techniques, such as mediation, negotiation or circles, as well as communicative and soft management skills.

Start of the 7th Edition of the Estate Agent and Property Management course

On Saturday, September 28th, the first session of the 7th edition of the Estate Agent and Property Management course took place. This training course, organized jointly by the UNESCO Housing Chair and the Association of Real Estate Agents of Tarragona, responds to the need to have some kind of specific training backed up by a diploma on the part of people working as estate agents, as per Law 18/2007, of 28 December, on the Right to a Home, and Decree 12/2010, of 2 February, which regulates the requirements to exercise the activity of estate agent and creates the Registry of Estate Agents in Catalonia. More information available at:

Participation at the Property Managers Conference in Tarragona

On 27th and 28th September, Dr. Sergio Nasarre, Prof. Dr. Rosa M. Garcia and Mr. Andrés Labella, the three of them researchers from the Housing Chair, will participate at the Property Manargers Conference in Tarragona. Their presentations will focus on the new challenges of the rental market and on the legislation to remove architectural barriers.

The researcher Gemma Caballé teaches a training session in the Postgraduate course on housing policies at SERT school of the COAC

On July 16, the researcher Gemma Caballé of the UNESCO Housing Chair gave a training session at the postgraduate course on housing policies of the SERT school form the Bar Association of Architects of Catalonia (COAC) about the housing research carried out at the UNESCO Housing Chair, as well as its social impact


On October 21 and 22, 2019 the I Congress on the Right to Personal Autonomy will be held at the International Convention Center of Barcelona (CCIB), within the framework of the development of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities , organized by the Spanish Confederation of Persons with Physical and Organic Disabilities (COCEMFE).

People with disabilities and the phenomenon of aging and chronicity are the background curtain of different debate panels, from the individual and community point of view. Our colleague Andrés Labella will moderate the table on the City as a space for life and coexistence.

For more information, inscription and presentation of posters, you can consult the following link:

Urban agenda of Catalonia

El próximo lunes 1 de julio, a partir de les 9h. tendrá lugar en el Campus Cataluña de la URV en Tarragona la quinta sesión participativa de la Agenda Urbana de Cataluña, impulsada por la Generalitat de Cataluña. La sesión se denomina “Dimensión ciudadana” y versará sobre Investigación y Conocimiento, Cultura y Arte y Participación y Transparencia.