Big Blue Book

The UN “Big Blue Book” has been published. It gathers 70 Universities worldwide that contribute, thanks to their research in the field of cities and urban studies, to achieve the global challenge number 11 (sustainable cities). Our UNESCO Housing Chair is located within these 70 Universities this year. Yo can find the link here:

German Government

On the 22nd and 23rd of May the biannual meeting with the group of experts that advises the German Government on housing in Europe for its presidency of the European Commission in 2020 attended by Dr. Sergio Nasarre took place in Bonn.


Published the new decree on the system of rental income for urban leases in Catalonia (Decree Law 9/2019, of May 21)

Here is the complete book chapter of Prof. Sergio Nasarre a few months ago, where he already developed a very similar system to the one finally approved. It is available at:ón.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3aKLTNPuem_mTtaveOlikHyGlujXwnF9rasgqUoTe8q8pWF8C8l4ZVYpo

And the entire book is available at

Urban agenda of Catalonia

La Càtedra participa en la redacció de la Nova Agenda Urbana i s’ha iniciat el procés de participació.

Si esteu interessats en participar tota la informació està a:


Situación de las VPO: ¿cuántas hay? ¿quién puede accedir a una?


New Urban Agenda of Catalonia

Dr. Estela Rivas has taken part on June 13 in the meeting of the Technical Commission of the Urban Assembly of Catalonia. The meeting was held in the Territory and Sustainability Department of Barcelona.

The UNESCO Housing Chair takes part in the Point-in-Time Count of roofless people, in which 70 people are located sleeping in the streets of Tarragona

The Point-in-Time Count of roofless people in Tarragona took place the nightof the 14th to the 15th of May 2019. 70 people were located sleeping rough (58 men, 9 women and 3 no identified) and 14 more sleeping in the homeless shelter (13 men and 1 woman), bringing the number of roofless people to 84. Several researchers of the UNESCO Housing Chair collaborated both in the organization of the Counting and taking direct part in it as volunteers.



“The social impact of research in the field of housing. The case of the UNESCO Chair of housing of the Rovira i Virgili University”

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar and Gemma Caballé Fabra.

Born from a need to return to society the results of many years of intenseresearch on mortgage and housing law, the University Rovira i Virgili Housing Chair  was created as a functional vehicle to transfer knowledge and to achieve a tangible social  impact through facilitating access to housing.

This article describes the circumstances  that led to the establishment of the Chair, the only UNESCO Housing Chair in the  world, and analyzes its value chain, which links research with specialized teaching,  knowledge transfer and social impact. The article also presents key aspects of the Chair  and provides examples of its activity and impact with specific results

Counting roofless population. 14th May 2019. Would you like to volunteer?

The Xarxa d’Atenció Integral de Persones Sense Llar de Tarragonais leading, once again, thePoint-in-Time Count of roofless people in Tarragona. It will take place the night of the 14th to the 15th of May 2019. The first Counting was undertaken in May 2017 and 43 people sleeping rough together with 49 people sleeping in accomodation for the homeless were counted. These Countings are crucial to give dimension and to shape up the issue of homelessness in our city, consisting on one of the first steps to tackle this phenomenon.

The Xarxa (Network) was spurred by the Municipal Institute for Social Services in Tarragona (IMSST) and the UNESCO Housing Chair is part of it, together with public authorities, social entities and other university institutes.

Check the following link in order to register as a volunteer for the May Counting: