The Threshold

The UNESCO Housing Chair of Rovira i Virgili University celebrates the good reception of the courtesy copies of the “The Threshold” simulation experience, and especially the support of the institutions specialized in homelessness issues, these actions allow the continuation of the transfer of specialized knowledge.

In this opportunity ASSÍS Centre d´Acollida confirms its reception and in a particular way recommends the aforementioned role play “so that secondary school students put themselves in the shoes of people at risk of social exclusion.” For more information click the link.

The Threshold project is at:

New article

Dr. Héctor Simón and Dr. Rosa M. Garcia recently published the article “The digital tokenization of property rights. A comparative perspective” in the Computer Law and Security Review, a journal indexed in quartile 1 in Law. The purpose of this research is to detect the challenges of the application of blockchain technology and tokenization from a private law perspective and to analyze the legal viability of creating usufructs with this technology.

This article is based on the research undertaken in the projects “Collaborative Housing” (2018-20; DER2017-84726-C3-1-P) and the “Tokenization of  rights in rem in the regulation of the fifth book of the Civil Code of Catalonia” ( CEJFE JUS / 113/2018).



The Fundación Mutua de Propietarios, partner of the Chair, in our common commitment to improve accessibility to housing for the elderly and people with disabilities, launches next Tuesday June 8 at 12 noon. their new service “A 3d ramp towards accessibility”: they have designed and produced a simple and inexpensive 3d ramp to overcome certain obstacles. You can find all the information inón-mutua-de-propietarios_unarampa3dhacialaaccesibilidad-activity-6805420307436859392-LxVj



Our national congress on collaborative housing and territory, held on June 16 and 17, will feature the presentation of more than 50 papers by experts in the field, from 28 different institutions. All the information about it and inscriptions can be found at


Participation in International Conference

Dr. Héctor Simón has taken part in the International Conference “The rights of acquisition and preference” (“Los derechos de adquisición y de preferencia”), organized by the Universities of Cádiz, Lleida and Rovira i Virgili. The Conference  was held online on June 2, 3 and 4 2021. Dr. Simón’s presentation was about “The right of option with security purposes and fiduciary contracts”. More information about the Conference is available at:


The future of housing. Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre speaks for Onda Cero.




The URV UNESCO Chair for Housing participates in the exhibition Knowledge and the World Exhibition of the URV Unesco Chairs in the framework of UNESCO’s 75th birthday. The exhibition is in the lobby of the URV’s Tierras del Ebro campus from May 21 to June 14.




Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar speaks for “Cinco días. El País economia” about residential pressure.


Canal Reus TV

Dr. Gemma Caballé Fabra explains the Housing + Project for the Canal de Reus Tv.

Interview link:

Project link:



Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar participates in the “2020 Panel Day. Local housing policies in the context of health crisis” that will take place on June 3, 2021.

Link of the Conference:ària

Link video: