
The Webinar “New collaborative models and good practices on homelessness” will take place next Friday December 17th, from 10am to 12pm. This virtual event is organized by the FACIAM Network and the UNESCO Housing Chair of the URV. Dr. Núria Lambea will talk about “Good practices on homelessness and affordable and social housing and the future Spanish housing Act” and Dr. Héctor Simón about “Cohousing and coliving: a model for people at risk of residential exclusion?”. Ms. Dolors Camats (director of the Cooperativa Obrera de Vivienda) and Ms. Susana Hernández (president of FACIAM) will also participate in the online event, talking about “The collaborative phenomenon and the management of common elements” and presenting the Report “50 Solutions to homelessness and residential exclusion”, respectively. Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre will welcome the participants to the Webinar.

More information and registration at: https://faciam.org/2021/12/08/nuevos-modelos-colaborativos-y-buenas-practicas-en-materia-de-sinhogarismo/

Link video: https://youtu.be/EppQV3m_gao



Debate and presentation of the report Concrete Actions for Social and Affordable Housing in the EU. Next Monday, December 13th, 6pm. The (online) event Social and affordable housing in the EU will be dedicated to the presentation of the policy study Concrete Actions for Social and Affordable Housing in the EU, by Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre-Aznar and Dr. Núria Lambea-Llop (coauthors of the study), which will then be discussed in a panel with Czech experts. The debate will be broadcast on Facebook as well. Simultaneous translation into Czech will be provided during the debate. The event is organised by the Masaryk Democratic Academy.

More information and registration at: https://masarykovaakademie.cz/sk_portfolio/socialni-a-dostupne-bydleni-v-eu-social-and-affordable-housing-in-the-eu/

Vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPyCGvgubIo

Pilot projects

On November 30, 2021 the researchers of the UNESCO Housing Chair Dr. Núria Lambea and Dr. Maridalia Rodríguez concluded the presentations of the “Certificado de Buena Gestión de Vivienda Social (CVS)” [Certificate of Good Social Housing Management (CVS)] to the institutions that support the project: Ayuntamiento de Reus, Servicio Municipal de la Vivienda y Actuaciones Urbanas S.A. (SMHAUSA) and Fundación Hàbitat3.


Dr. Héctor Simón attended the “Meet Ambassadors” on 28 October on behalf of the UNESCO Housing Chair. The Ambassadors Programme, promoted by the Catalonia Convention Bureau, aims to support Ambassadors and their organisations to create new business opportunities and raise awareness about the region.


On November 25, 2021, Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar and Dr. Juan Luís Gonzalo Iglesia participate in the International Congress on Law and Gamification (on lline) organized by the Universidad de Almería and Ludoteca Jurídica, with the presentation entitled “El Umbral: Un juego de rol sobre vivienda y sinhogarismo”

All the information is in: https://ludotecajuridica.es/congresodid/


The UNESCO Housing Chair takes part in the Point-in-Time Count of roofless people in Tarragona 2021

Dr. Núria Lambea and Dr. Gemma Caballé participated in the Point-in-Time Count of roofless people in Tarragona, which took place the night of the 9th to the 10th of November 2021, organized by the Network for Homeless people in Tarragona (the UNESCO Housing Chair is part of this Network). 127 volunteers took part in it, and a total of 77 people were located, 58 sleeping on the streets and 19 in shelters for homeless people, a slight decrease compared to the 2019 count (70 people sleeping on the street and 14 more sleeping in shelters, a total of 84 homeless people).


On November 12, Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar participates in the Forum of the Notarial Foundation talking about housing and young people: Is property possible?






Doctoral thesis

The Housing Chair of the URV offers the possibility of doing a PhD in Law through a doctoral thesis on the challenges in decision-making in multi-unit buildings.

The call through which the program is hosted is: https://www.infosubvenciones.es/bdnstrans/GE/es/convocatoria/%20589088   and it is opened until 11th of November, 2021.

For more information, you can contact office.housing@urv.cat


Chamber of Urban Property of Sabadell

On October 22, Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar, Dr. Estela Rivas Nieto and Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno visit the Sabadell Chamber of Urban Property to discuss common projects.

Also in the Diari de Sabadell (p. 21): https://www.docdroid.net/ZtlAakq/30102021-pdf#page=4

Counting roofless population in Tarragona: 9th November 2021. Would you like to volunteer?

The Xarxa d’Atenció Integral de Persones Sense Llar de Tarragona (Network for Homeless people in Tarragona) is leading, once again (after the ones in 2017 and 2019), the Point-in-Time Count of roofless people in Tarragona. It will take place the night of the 9th to the 10th of November 2021. These Countings are crucial to give dimension and to shape up the issue of homelessness in our city, consisting on one of the first steps to tackle this phenomenon.

The UNESCO Housing Chair is part of the Network for Homeless people in Tarragona and will be actively involved in this counting (as we already did the two previous ones).

Check the following link for more information and also for registering as a volunteer: https://www.tarragona.cat/serveis-a-la-persona/serveis-socials/sensellarisme