Dr. Blanca Deusdad talks about the Socatel project, since Covid-19 has accentuated the vulnerability of the elderly.
Dr. Blanca Deusdad talks about the Socatel project, since Covid-19 has accentuated the vulnerability of the elderly.
At the General Assembly held on 3 June the COCEMFE GIRONA entity chose its new Board of Directors for the relaunch of the activity and address the challenges posed by the health, economic and social crisis caused by COVID-19.
Our colleague Andrés Labella assumes the presidency, with the intention of turning this new era of the entity into a social lab that implements the four axes of work that were decided in the conclusions of the I Congress on the Right to Personal Autonomy that took place in Barcelona in October 2019, in which the UNESCO Chair of Housing of the URV contributed to the presentation of two of the twenty participating posters.
The four axes are indivisible and aligned with the Convention of New York (2006): Promotion of rights, cities as a space for socialization, technology and the use of big data for the prevention and creation of effective policies.
The right to housing plays a fundamental role as a continent for independent life and the right to the family and as a shield for the protection of health, as has been seen. Therefore, the promotion of accessibility and new ways of life in the home, together with the promotion of the diversity of tenures, will be strategic lines of development to meet the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda in the light of the CDPD.
The project on housing and data science of the UNESCO Housing Chair and the Sees: lab group receives one of the 13 grants from La Caixa
The UNESCO Housing Chair URV participates in the United Nations international report on affordable housing
Los hunos y los otros
Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar, 24/05/2020
An interesting cross-country comparative about legal measures related to #housing taken as a reaction to COVID-19 today at Inside Housing.
Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar
The Chair debates issues related to housing in the time of COVID-19
Our postdoctoral researcher Dr. Maridalia Rodríguez Padilla has shared a short reflection in the opinion column Aleph Jurídico of Magazine about the need to take action on housing, urban leases and mortgage loans in the Dominican Republic due to its current state of emergency due to COVID-19. It highlights that, in more than twenty countries, European and Latin American, measures have been issued in this regard, but that in the Dominican case these measures are still pending.
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Avda. Catalunya, 35
43002 Tarragona
Telf. +34 977558724