
The video on the participation of Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar in the Cycle Let’s rethink the Ribera: Population and housing challenges for 2050 is now available.



Interview with Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar on the evictions in the program “Las mañanas de RNE”. 26/11/2020


The Threshold

On October 29, Dr. Estela Rivas and Dr. Jan Gonzalo participated in the recording of the video about the Threshold for Research Nit experience.


More information about the project at:

Municipal Housing Action Plan

The Chair collaborates with the Espluga de Francolí City Council for the drafting of the Municipal Housing Action Plan.

Opening of the Postgraduate Course on Housing Policies FURV

The first edition of the Postgraduate Course in Housing Policies of the Foundation URV began on last November 17.

In this Course, students have the opportunity to specialise in the different phases of the process of developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating housing policies, from a multidisciplinary approach, which includes both legal and architectural, urban planning, social, technical and economic aspects. Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC), Institut Valencià de l’Edificació (IVE) and Asociación Española de Gestores Públicos de Vivienda y Suelo (AVS) are partners of this Course.

The opening session was led by Mr Mario Yoldi Domínguez, Director of Planning and Housing Operations Processes, Department of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Housing, Basque Government.

Participation in the SIMA Pro Real Estate Conference

Da. Rosa M. Garcia Teruel, postdoctoral researcher at the UNESCO Housing Chair, participates in the round table “Blockchain: is it really being applied in real estate? For what purpose? ” at the SIMA Pro Real Estate Conferece on November 18, 1 p.m. Dr. Garcia Teruel will explain how digital assets can be used in real estate. The program is available on the following website:

Online conference

The Chair collaborates with the Conference organized by the Reus City Council “Online Conference: Who has the key to housing in Reus?” next November 18 at 5:00 p.m. through Teams.

All the information is in:

Participation in a Conference on housing cooperatives

Dr. Héctor Simón has taken part in the Round Table of the “VII Conference on Cooperativism and Solidarity Economy. The housing cooperative on assigment of use”, organized by the Faculty of Legal Sciences of University Rovira i Virgili, URV Emprèn and Coopcamp, which was held on 12 November 2020. Dr. Simón explained the pros and cons of housing cooperatives on assigment of use and whether they could be an alternative to home ownership and tenancy.


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar speaks for the Diari de Tarragona about  “La nueva ley de los alquileres desincentiva la rehabilitación en Tarragona”. Diari de Tarragona. 09/11/2020.


The Diputació de Tarragona collaborates with the project of the Chair “Comprehensive analysis of housing policies in Southern Catalonia (base of a future Housing Observatory of Southern Catalonia)”.