
Ms. Marina Pueyo Villanueva publishes the article “Edificios multifamiliares” in the Diari de Tarragona (6-23-2024).

Article available at:


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar participates in the article “Las casas nuevas vacías crecen por primera vez en 14 años y ya hay casi 448.000” in the newspaper El País (21-6-2024).

Article available at:

Workshop pf the Postgraduate Program

Students and teaching staff of the Postgraduate Program in Housing Policies held a Workshop with Foundation Arrels of Barcelona on Tuesday, 11 June 2024. More information on the Postgraduate Program at:


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar participates in the article “Ni en la ciudad ni el campo: cuatro comunidades tienen el esfuerzo de alquiler disparado en todas partes” in the newspaper El País (9-6-2024).

Article available at:


Dr. Núria Lambea participates in the article “Tarragona y las viviendas sociales: ¿Por qué se construyen tan pocas si hay una emergencia habitacional?” in the newspaper Diari de Tarragona (3-6-2024).

Article available at:

Podcast “Economía para quedarse sin amigos”

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar participated in the program “Economía para quedarse sin amigos” on Tuesday, 28 May 2024.

The program is available at:

“Liquid Housing” project survey

Dr. Héctor Simón leads the “Liquid Housing” project, which seeks to examine and understand the phenomenon of hidden homelessness in the city of Tarragona, which is characterized by the idea that almost anything can be considered today as suitable housing.  To obtain data, the Chair has launched a questionnaire, which will allow obtaining and analyzing essential data for this project and being able to work with possible solutions. We encourage you to answer it and thank you in advance for your time and help in spreading the word:

Homeowner Community Board Member Survey (Ex. President):

Citizen survey:


Dr. Núria Lambea participates in the article “España se atasca en el rompecabezas de los pisos turísticos” in the newspaper El País (19-5-2024).

Article available at:


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre publishes the article “The housing paradox: right and profitable asset” in The Conversation newspaper (14-5-2024).

Article available at:

Digital Journal of the URV

The Digital Journal of the URV echoes the pilot project that will detect situations of homelessness in Tarragona and that is led by the UNESCO Housing Chair (“Liquid Housing”).

More information at: