Call for papers: kick-off webinar of the group “Housing and New Technologies” – European Network for Housing Research

Call for papers: kick-off webinar of the group “Housing and New Technologies” – European Network for Housing Research

The kick-off webinar of the working group “Housing and New Technologies of the European Network for Housing Research will take place on 20th January 2021. This virtual seminar, coordinated by Prof. Michel Vols (University of Groningen) and by Dr. Rosa M. Garcia-Teruel (UNESCO Housing Chair, URV), will cover the following topics related to housing and new technologies: real estate crowdfunding, blockchain, big data, data protection and smart homes, IoT, AI and ML techniques, 3d printing, etc. Those researchers interested in presenting their papers may submit an abstract before the 20th November by sending an email to

The provisional programme and more information may be found at the following link: