Book presentation: “El fideicomiso inmobiliario y la inversión extranjera como instrumentos para mitigar el déficit habitacional. El caso de la República Dominicana”


On Tuesday, November 16, 2021, was presented in virtual format the book El fideicomiso inmobiliario y la inversión extranjera como instrumentos para mitigar el déficit habitacional. El caso de la República Dominicana which is part of the collection of books Derecho de la vivienda of the Tirant lo Blanch publishing house, a work of Dr. Maridalia Rodríguez Padilla, postdoctoral researcher at the Chair.

The presentation was given by Dr. Luis Gonzalo Baena from the Externado University of Colombia and Mr. Aquiles Calderón, a lawyer specialized in trust administration from the Dominican Republic, who offered the following presentations:

  • Breves consideraciones acerca de la importancia del fideicomiso en el desarrollo de proyectos de construcción de vivienda y su contribución a la reducción del déficit habitacional. Luis Gonzalo Baena Cárdenas.
  • Particularidades y ventajas del fideicomiso de inversión inmobiliaria. Aquiles Calderón.

The event also featured speeches by Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre, director of the collection of books, and Dr. Georgina Garriga, professor at the University of Barcelona (UB), who were the directors of the doctoral thesis from which the work of Dra. Rodríguez comes and who, in addition, were the foreword to the book. Finally, the author offered a few words of thanks, along with a brief overview of the content of the book.

The event was organized by Observatorio Judicial Dominicano (OJD), and was moderated by Ms. Denisse Hartling. Mr. Harold Modesto, director of the OJD, was in charge of closing the event.

The entire event was broadcast live from Funglode’s YouTube channel: Link.