Award of a European Commission study on housing and evictions

Rovira i Virgili University, together with the National University of Galway, FEANTSA and the Human European Consultancy, will coordinate the first official study of the European Commission for the promotion of the right to housing in Member States and the consequences of evictions. The proposal presented was the winner of the open competition announced by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Work, Social Affairs and Inclusion, being awarded a grant of one million Euros. The study’s aim is to study the social, economic and financial causes of the crisis, its current reality, its consequences  and the solutions put forward by each Member State.

Dr. Sergio Nasarre, Full Professor of Civil Law at Rovira i Virgili University and head of that University’s research group on housing, is a member of the project’s coordinating committee, also overseeing the work emanating from countries in Southern Europe, which have been hardest hit by the crisis. He will author the official report for Spain.