Abstract submission

Papers are welcome to be presented during the foreseen Parallel sessions in the Conference. Each presenter should send an abstract of maximum half a page up to 27th March 2017 to the coordinator of the workshop she wants to submit the paper. E-mail addresses of each coordinator are:

  1. Workshop 1. Homeownership and mortgages. Dr. Héctor Simón (hector.simon@urv.cat).
  2. Workshop 2. Evictions. Gemma Caballé (gemma.caballe@urv.cat).
  3. Workshop 3. Tenancies and intermediate tenures. Rosa Maria Garcia Teruel (rosamaria.garciat@urv.cat)
  4. Parallel Workshop 4a. Right to housing and homelessness. Núria Lambea (nuria.lambea@urv.cat)
  5. Parallel Workshop 4b. Dr. Ángel Urquizu (angel.urquizu@urv.cat).
  6. Workshop 5. European instruments, policies and jurisprudence. Collective complaints and other instruments to defend housing rights in Europe. Dr. Maria Font (maria.font@urv.cat)

After the acceptance of the abstract by the peer review committee, the presenter will be allocated a discussant. The presenter should then send a draft of the full paper to the workshop coordinator on the 20th April 2017 to allow her discussant to prepare the discussion properly. The paper presentation will aprox. last for 10 mins, plus a discussion of 5 mins., with 5 more mins. of opened floor.